The Sonlight Biographies That Changed My Life

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The Sonlight Biographies That Changed My Life

Four years before I was born, my father quit the band. He had made a living as a musician and record producer since the age of 18, and now he was in search of a life that prioritized family. He moved with my mother from Toronto, Canada to Buckinghamshire, England to learn a new trade. After meeting God as a result of a Christmas service, they started to see a divine kindness behind their financially devastated lifestyle change. 

As Daddy studied, Mummy, a former school teacher, decided that school was not the place for her children. Clinging to God with the desperation of new faith, she stumbled across a Sonlight brochure with a literature package that was far outside of her budget

God appointed, however, that my parents unexpectedly received the amount needed, three times over from three separate sources.

Granny Han’s Breakfast Taught Me God's Provision

Astonished at God’s provision, she bought the curriculum and started with the read-aloud: Granny Han’s Breakfast. It’s a true story of a missionary in China who was robbed of her food. Granny Han set the table for breakfast nonetheless, saying, “You know what you want from me, and that’s all I want,” —a prayer that proves powerful beyond its simplicity. A knock was heard at the door. As if from heaven, a friend was there for Granny Han with a gift of bread.

At age five, I felt my mother’s joy in God as she read the story. I knew she was praying with Granny Han, “You know what you want from me, and that’s all I want.” I delighted in recognizing a life that was appointed by God and to feel the call of a life that was consecrated to God.

Three years later, at 8, my mind was set on being a missionary in Africa. A decade after that, I was setting off to study Christian apologetics at university with a view to overseas missions. My mother traces this faith back to the 19-page book about Granny Han. 

Granny Han's Breakfast is now discontinued, but don’t think that the work of a Sonlight book is done once it’s out of print. Granny Han changed my life, and it wasn’t florid or literary prowess that gave this biographical story its fruitfulness. The marks of this fruitfulness is even clearer in George Muller, David Livingstone and, most of all, the Sonlight biography that I will never forget—Gladys Aylward.

Gladys Aylward Ignited My Heart for Missions

Gladys, in Gladys Aylward was rejected from Bible school. It was a dreadful blow, but she decided that if she was going to follow God’s call to China, it would have to be without support. When she was detained on her journey to China in Vladivostock, Russia, an official reminded her, “You are a woman alone in a strange country. I can do what I like.” He raised his fist to strike her, but his fist stopped in mid-air, as if “guided by an invisible force.” 

I was captured by what Gladys Aylward demonstrated. The threat was real, but God was more real. Earthly comfort is real, but divine joy is more real. The official’s malice was real, but God’s plan was more real. Granny Han’s empty cupboard was real, but God’s loving provision was a stronger and deeper. My parents’ destitution left them exasperated, but God the provider was more real. My little faith was the fruit.

Sonlight Biographies Still Convict and Inspire

After studying theology in Scotland while my wife cared for our children, we moved back to England. I homeschooled the three of them while she took a course in Biblical and Intercultural Studies at a missions training college. The plan was to team with an organisation, start learning a language, and move to the Middle East shortly thereafter.

One night, after a few months of serious health problems, I had a talk with my wife. We had only a few years before going overseas, and it seemed like our little family would not be ready. It would be best if we stayed in England to focus on health first, then our marriage, and finally our ministry.

I had a sense of guilt that I had led our family into pain and that the door to following God’s call had been closed. I continued homeschooling, and she started work at a restaurant. One morning, I awoke to find only the three children in the house.

From then on, I was to care for them alone.

I pressed on with homeschooling, knowing that God never leaves His own. In between tears, we started pouring through Sonlight books that my mother had kept from twenty years before.

Out comes Granny Han's Breakfast and Gladys Aylward again. My seven-year-old daughter hears Gladys’ encounter with the official and she says the same thing I said when I heard it: “I want to go.”

I still want to go, but these cupboards don’t get any more empty. Twenty years ago I started praying Granny Han’s prayer, “You know what you want from me, and that’s all I want.”

I pray that prayer when I have empty cupboards, because Granny Han did, and because my mother did. It’s because of Sonlight that I know that sometimes divine bread is less visible than the edible kind, but it’s more real. 

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5 Sonlight Books on the Big Screen in 2020

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5 Sonlight Books on the Big Screen in 2020

Which did you like better, the book or the movie? This common question lends a wonderful opportunity to extend the experience of a story.

Practice critical thinking by comparing a director's presentation of a plot-line or an actor's impression of character with your own perspective. What seemed out of place? What felt familiar?

Given the amazing books in Sonlight’s repertoire, it comes as no surprise that so many are selected as inspiration for major motion pictures and TV series. This year is no exception. Here are 5 book-to-screen adaptations due out for 2020.  

1. Call of the Wild (2020) 

Harrison Ford stars as John Thornton in a screen adaptation of Call of the Wild. This beloved Jack London classic is found in Sonlight’s 9th grade literature choices. This adaptation uses computer-generated imagery (CGI) for the character of Buck (the dog).

Not only is this movie a fantastic conversation starter for digging deeper into plot and character, but it’s also a fantastic choice for technology buffs wanting to learn more about cinematic effects. Call of the Wild is now available on Amazon Prime Video.     

2. Emma (2020)

Sonlight includes Jane Austen’s fourth novel, Emma in the British Literature (AP prep) collection. Jane Austen novels have characters and plots so universally beloved that multiple versions of them are easy to find. Emma is no exception.

What a great opportunity to compare and contrast different interpretations of Austen’s classic work! Here are four recent traditional and non-traditional adaptations of Emma available on Amazon Prime Video. 

  • Autumn De Wilde's 2020 Emma 
  • Douglas McGrath's 1996 Emma 
  • Diarmuid Lawrence's 1997 Emma 
  • Amy Hackerling's 1995 Clueless 

3. Peter Rabbit 2 (2020)

The Complete Adventures of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter is a family favorite found in Sonlight’s Pre-K package.

Peter Rabbit 2 is a sequel to the crowd pleasing Peter Rabbit released in 2018. Coloring sheets for this one are available from Sony Pictures. Set to premiere this summer, the release date has been delayed by the pandemic and it is not yet in theaters. 

4. Brave New World (2020)

Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World is part of Sonlight's 11th grade curriculum, focused on 20th century literature. Perfect for science fiction buffs, the new series will premiere on the streaming service Peacock. The show is expected to be available July 2020.

5. Dolittle (2020)

Longtime Sonlighter’s will likely recognize the lovable Dr. Dolittle as a beloved character from past versions of the Introduction to World Culture’s Package. While the book is now discontinued, the story lives on in this year’s screen adaptation starring Robert Downey, Jr.

This film is a great choice for kids who love action, adventure, and talking animals, though some may find the realistic looking animals and emotion to be a tad bit overwhelming. Dolittle is also available on Amazon Prime Video.

Great Questions For Juicy Book-to-Movie Conversations

Regardless of the book and movie pairing you choose, these open-ended questions can get you started with a robust family discussion.

  • What if anything did you like better about the book?
  • What if anything did you like better about the movie?
  • How was the casting? Did characters look and act as you expected? 
  • What was in the book that you wish had been included in the movie?
  • Did watching the movie affect how you viewed the story? If so, how?

As always please be sure to preview movies prior to watching with your family. While adaptations to books are wonderful ways to enhance and expound on a story, producers and cinematographers may take creative license or include material that you find inappropriate.

Common Sense Media and Kids-In-Mind are excellent resources for more learning more about particular movies. We hope you enjoy the show! 

Request a Catalog

Whether you read the book before or after watching the movie, Sonlight has hundreds of titles your home library needs! Request a print catalog to dive more deeply into what Sonlight can offer your family.

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10 More Cry-Alouds: Books That Move You to Tears

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Did you know that the tears shed from happiness or sorrow are chemically different from the tears caused by an irritant in the eye? A good cry is cathartic—a way to pour out emotions that may be stuffed down and ignored. Tears offer an avenue to express what our minds can't find words to articulate. These positive benefits are why some of us love a good tearjerker, and why Sonlight Curriculum includes books that move you to tears.

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Three Must-Haves for Your Homeschool Room

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Three Must-Haves for Your Homeschool Room

The most wonderful thing about homeschooling is also also the most difficult thing about homeschooling: Learning is implanted in real life and real relationships.

Sometimes I have to stop reading in the middle of a chapter in order to change a diaper, but it also means that connections are being made among life's many aspects. 

Beauty, love, and knowledge are fostered co-dependently when my schoolroom is my living room. It’s not just what we do there that makes these connections, but what is there. Here are three must-haves for your homeschool room.

1. A Whiteboard 

In my experience, there are three stages to learning that sticks

  1. encounter
  2. connect
  3. communicate

I have never found anything better suited to these three stages than the whiteboard. 

Don’t think of the whiteboard as a lecture tool. Think of the whiteboard as a projection of your personal learning journal. It displays your experience as the lead learner as you encounter new ideas, make connections with other ideas, and then start articulating them. 

As I read the page from the Usborne World of Animals on the Sichuan forests, I encounter the forests on the whiteboard. I note key phrases and terms on the whiteboard. I draw pictures of the misty, pheasant-rich forests. 

Next, I connect by embellishing. I draw how I imagine the animals are feeling. I write a sentence using newly learned terms. I draw arrows to other lands. I play with the information. 

The whiteboard, being at the head of the table, prompts them to follow the lead. With their own journal in hand, they make their own notes and drawings. 

Having invited them with the whiteboard to encounter and connect, now they, themselves, take to the whiteboard. They draw their own landscape to show the rest of us. I prompt them to consider key terms from the text. I encourage them to annotate. I gently question them, and I praise them for blessing us with their displayed work.

The whiteboard is a tool for the educator to lead by learning. It gives non-tyrannical direction to their individual learning practices. It stands for multi-perspectived learning that is designed to bless others.

2. A Vase of Flowers

I am torn between two dream-houses: a chic, minimalist apartment and a charmingly cluttered hobbit-hole. Where the coldness of the first is solace from the beleaguerment of endless LEGO underfoot, the warmth of the second welcomes us into cozy adventures. 

I learned something early on from homeschooling in a toy-cluttered and ugly kitchen. Although kids insist on both mess and toys, they find it just as hard as I do to tune them out to focus.

I was more surprised to discover that blank walls are equally hard to process. The dreary expanse of wall was in danger of communicating that educational life is a boring necessity. 

When my daughter adorned the table one morning with daisies, I realised that the flowers were changing the way we saw the lessons. Objects in the schoolroom were communicating either that truth is stolid and disembodied or that it is enchanting and embodied. The flowers became a cue to embody beliefs. We want a home culture that not only invites learning but also participates in the beauty of truth.

3. Songs

Before Covid-19, I was asked the almost daily question, “Why do you choose to homeschool?” Although I want my children to learn, to say that is my aim would be missing the point. What homeschooling is uniquely capable of achieving is a life-long love for learning. I want to light up loves, which sit behind learning. I want us to delight in God’s laws, not just obey them. I want to love truth, not only learn it. 

Just as flowers in the schoolroom help to implant truth in culture, singing implants truth in our feelings. Singing something tells us that it is wonderful to us. A well-learned truth is integrated like this. 

Singing is physical and proclamatory and happy. Singing the names of the oceans in Audio Memory: Geography Songs CD kit tells us that it is not just true, but significantly true. 

Beautifying your schoolroom need not be vain or expensive, but replacing some bric-a-brac with flowers and pressing play on Audio Memory might give your next geography lesson depth worth singing about.

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3 Lessons from Hiking for the New Homeschooler

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3 Lessons from Hiking for the New Homeschooler

Whether you are starting your homeschool journey with a kindergartner or a high schooler, you are in for an adventure. It's one that doesn’t come with an exact map. This journey will lead you through deep valleys, up steep mountains, and through serene places. Sometimes you find it has placed you smack dab in the middle of a raging river. It's a thrilling adventure with inspiring moments, yet it can also be a scary journey with unpredictable setbacks. 

Because there is no how-to manual for your specific family, you will need encouragement from those who have journeyed the road before. I've found some parallels between hiking and homeschooling that have given me direction and motivation. Here are three lessons from hiking for the new homeschooler.

1. Don’t Quit on the Uphill 

On my daily walk down our street, I face steep hills that challenge my physical strength. Some days I want to stop in the middle of the road and quit because my legs are screaming at me to stop and my lungs are aching, trying to get enough air.

If I stop, I will never have the benefit of seeing what is on the other side of the hill and feel the sense of accomplishment that comes with pushing through the pain. When I reach that point of wanting to quit, I have to forge on.

In your homeschool journey, you can’t stop and give up. You have to move forward with a steady pace in order to succeed. Always keep the end in mind, and never look back with regret. You can push yourself much further than is comfortable, and you can achieve that which seems impossible. The uphill is coming, but you can overcome it. 

2. Listen to Advice of Fellow Hikers

My husband and I went hiking in Yellowstone a few years ago. Before we went, we were excited about the possibility of encountering wild animals. Our naive excitement didn't consider the dangers on the trail.

When we arrived, there were people and signs all along the path, warning us to be on alert and to carry bear spray. We debated whether we really needed the spray. But heeding the recommendations of those who had gone before us, we did buy the valuable bear spray and were glad we had it when we actually encountered our first grizzly. 

One of the best ways to prepare for your homeschool adventure is to listen to sound advice from those who know the trail well—those who have walked it before you and those who are walking it now. Listen to their advice, take it to heart, and then make your own decisions. I am not suggesting that you try to be someone else. You have to be you and do what is best for your family, but you can benefit from sound advice of others.

I know when I first started homeschooling, I took advantage of Sonlight’s Advisors and Instructor's Guides. Both of those tools helped me prepare for the journey ahead. 

3. Pace Yourself with Breaks 

Our family went hiking in the Rocky Mountain National Park when our youngest child was about nine months old. We scoped out the best trail for our skill level, so we thought. As we began our outing, we realized we were not well prepared.

The trail proved to be more of a steep uphill climb most of the way before it leveled out into a beautiful clearing with monster-size elk, grazing peacefully. I had our nine month old son strapped to me in a baby carrier as we hiked. I was keeping pace until the high elevation air got the best of me. I literally thought I was going to die right there on the top of the Rocky Mountains. I could not breathe; my lungs would not take in enough air.

Mentally, I told myself I had to breathe before I went into an all-out panic attack. I stopped and took a break. I knew I eventually had to keep going. But in that moment, I had to stop and breathe so I could make the rest of the journey. 

Sometimes you have to stop and take a break in your homeschool journey as well. If you don’t take breaks when needed, you might experience panic attacks, exploding fury, or diminished joy.

These breaks are good for you and for your children. Make them a priority. Pausing to catch your breath is not quitting. Breaks are, in fact, wise ways to pace yourself. 

As a new homeschooler, you are on an exciting adventure. It will take you places that you never dreamed. Look for the daily lessons that will shape and mold you into who God wants you to be. Keep forging the trail!   

Sonlight Tools Save You Time

Your Sonlight Instructor's Guide is probably the closest thing you'll find to a homeschool map. See how it can save you time and worry.

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What to Do if Your Homeschooler Wants a Career in Politics

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What to Do if Your Homeschooler Wants a Career in Politics

Every aspect of an American president’s life is examined prior to an election—including schooling. But being homeschooled would not rule out someone from running for political office, even the presidency. According to the US Constitution there are only 3 requirements to run for president:

  1. You must be a natural born citizen.
  2. You must have lived in the United States for at least fourteen years.
  3. You must be at least 35 years old. 

Plenty of presidents were homeschooled, in fact! Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933-1945) is the most recent. While there are no current records of a president homeschooling children in the White House, there are also very few records of those same children attending public school. In fact only one president has sent a child to public school in the past century. 

How Would a Homeschooler Become President? 

There is no one perfect route to the presidency, but there are some common themes. While presidents from backgrounds as diverse as farmer and actor have graced the White House, most have a background in law and politics. All have been able to convince people that they are the right candidate for the job.

Who Will Be the Next Homeschooled President? 

The person who becomes president is the one who can convince people to vote for them!  This is accomplished not only by building a resume of success, but also by creating a social platform that demonstrates leadership and integrity. 

If running for president or some other political office is an exciting idea in your homeschool, then it’s time to get started! Forget running for classroom president or student council. Here are five great ways homeschoolers can work towards a career in politics.

1. Look for Leadership Positions

Opportunities to lead exist beyond school walls. Consider groups where your family is already involved, but encourage your kids to be active participants prior to seeking leadership positions. Here are some great places to start looking:

  • church youth groups
  • sports teams
  • scouts and service organizations 
  • 4-H clubs

2. Join a Campaign

Money is the most sought after resource for campaigning. Do you know the second?  Volunteers, of course!

Change is built from the ground up, which makes local campaigns a great place to learn about politics. Working for a mayoral or congressional campaign may require data entry or registering and mobilizing new voters. Look up local candidates and contact the one your family wishes to support. 

3. Learn How the US Government Works

Sonlight's Election Headquarters is the place to start researching the upcoming election. Find hands-on activities, great books, and curriculum options, perfect for the would-be politician. 

4. Be Heard

The best ideas in the world won’t go anywhere unless they are shared. Sharpening communication skills is critical. 

  • Share ideas. Email mayors, senators, or congresspersons. 
  • Build a political platform. Practice answering questions with short, clear language. 
  • Practice public speaking. Simple ways to get started include theater, debate, and reading aloud to younger kids.  
  • Join and contribute to causes that reflect the established platform. 

5. Fundraise

Money is needed in order to campaign. Asking for backing and support is part of political life. Getting comfortable with raising funds for deserving causes and using entrusted monies efficiently is paramount. Almost all groups, teams, and clubs have fundraising opportunities. 

Are You Homeschooling a Future President? 

You could be raising a future president. As Andy Stanley says, “Your greatest contribution to the kingdom of God may not be something you do but someone you raise.”

Keep your family wrapped in faith and prayer. Political careers come with stress, rejection, and disappointment. They also come with amazing opportunities to improve the lives of people in our communities and throughout the world.

Election Day Headquarters

Step one towards educating your young public servant is understanding American history, government, and the election process. Get started at Sonlight's Election Headquarters. And be sure to request your FREE ELECTION UNIT STUDY.

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12 Books from American History That Teach Empathy

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12 Books from American History That Teach Empathy

When you think of teaching your kids empathy, person-to-person activities probably come to mind:

  • volunteering in under-served communities
  • taking mission trips
  • compromising with siblings

Would it surprise you to know that reading books is just as effective at developing compassion for others? It's quite amazing and wonderful that we can sit on the couch with our kids, get engrossed in a great book, and develop empathy. No travel required. No argument resolution needed.

Empathy at its core is simply being able to put yourself in another's shoes and see things from their perspective. And that's what a great book does. You and your children see the world through the lens of the characters — the heroes and the villains. As a result, you come away with a new way of thinking, one that accepts nuance instead of black and white thinking, one that helps you appreciate and understand the views of others. That's empathy.

Here are 12 books from Sonlight History / Bible / Literature curriculum packages that teach empathy — no lectures required. These come from later American History and are not listed in chronological order.

1. The Courage of Sarah Noble

by Alice Dalgliesh

from Sonlight History / Bible / Literature D

Eight-year-old Sarah journeys into the wilderness with her father and ends up alone! This gripping novel is based on a true story from American history.

2. Sarah Whitcher’s Story

by Elizabeth Yates

from Sonlight History / Bible / Literature D

This novel is another true story of a little girl who is lost in woods. This time it's New Hampshire's pioneer days. Sarah's father exhibits a deep Christian faith which bolsters the spirits of searchers who want to give up. It's gripping.

3. The Story of Eli Whitney

by Jean Lee Latham

from Sonlight History / Bible / Literature D

Newbery Award-winning author Jean Lee Latham tells the story of the man whose inventive genius made cotton king in America as well as the rest of the world. Eli Whitney transformed the textile industry with his invention of the cotton gin; and he revolutionized the manufacturing process around the world with his creation of standardized parts. This is a fascinating biography of a hero from American history.

4. Sarah, Plain and Tall

by Patricia MacLachlan

from Sonlight History / Bible / Literature D

This novel is an award-winning empathy-builder. An American frontier widower advertises for a wife . . . and gets Sarah. It's both poignant and beautiful.

5. Old Yeller

by Fred Gipson

from Sonlight History / Bible / Literature E

Grab the tissues! This touching Newbery Honor story is about a boy and the dog he loves. It's set during frontier days in the Texas hill country.

6. Stone Fox

by John Reynolds Gardiner

from Sonlight History / Bible / Literature D

Ten-year-old Willy needs to win the big dog sled race in order to pay the back taxes on his grandfather's farm. But that means he has to beat the huge Indian, Stone Fox, and his incredible dogsled team. This novel is stunning and heartwarming.

7. Shades of Gray

by Carolyn Reeder

from Sonlight History / Bible / Literature E

Shades of Gray is a thought-provoking story of a boy, orphaned by the Civil War. He struggles to forgive "the enemy" and discover what true courage is all about.

8. Sing Down the Moon

by Scott O'Dell

from Sonlight History / Bible / Literature E

This beautifully written Newbery Honor story recounts the life of a teen aged girl of the Navaho nation in the mid-1860s. Your kids will develop empathy as they see her overcome challenges. It's poignant and thought-provoking.

9. Hero Over Here

by Kathleen Kudlinski

from Sonlight History / Bible / Literature E

Theodore learns that heroism requires more—and less—than he imagined in this story set during the deadly flu epidemic at the end of World War I. It will move you and your children.

10. In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson

by Bette Bao Lord

from Sonlight History / Bible / Literature E

In 1947, a Chinese girl comes to Brooklyn, where she starts to feel at home and to make friends. After earning the friendship of the toughest girl in class, she is included in the playground stickball games and becomes a loyal fan of the Brooklyn Dodgers. This novel is humorous and thought-provoking.

11. The Seventeenth Swap

by Eloise McGraw

from Sonlight History / Bible / Literature E

Eric wants to buy his young crippled friend Jimmy a pair of red cowboy boots. Since he doesn't have money, he has to wheel and deal through seventeen swaps. Along the way, he learns some surprising things about himself—which make the seventeenth swap the best swap of all.

12. Because of Winn-Dixie

by Kate DiCamillo

from Sonlight History / Bible / Literature E

Winn-Dixie is a big, ugly, happy dog. 10-year-old Opal learns 10 things about her long-gone mother from her preacher father. Because of Winn-Dixie, Opal makes new friends among the somewhat unusual residents of her new hometown, Naomi, Florida. Her dog helps Opal begin to find her place in the world.

Request a Catalog

If you love these book selections, you'll love browsing the Sonlight curriculum catalog. Request yours for free.

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