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The Top Summer Reading List For Middle Schoolers Jun. 4, 2024

Author Jack Stewart
Posts by Jack Stewart
Jack Stewart is stay-at-home dad, homeschooling his three kids. He believes parenthood is his life’s work and treasures the opportunity to be a powerfully loving force in their lives. It's just Jack and his kids at home, so he's always in search of ways to steward his time well and to learn naturally with his children. Jack wants to nurture minds that love learning, fear God, and serve the world.
Jack's mother home-educated him using Sonlight Curriculum in the early 2000s. Its scope and richness formed not only the way he thought about his role in the world, but also his philosophy of education. Jack, like Sonlight, wants to see fearless and purposeful education at home, to the glory of God. Follow him on Instagram @daddyhomeschools .