Category Archives: Homeschool Basics

Homeschool 101, getting started, and articles for those new to homeschooling. Here are the basics every homeschool parent wonders about and needs to have clarity on.

Can I Homeschool? Practical Reassurance for Unsure Parents

When my oldest child was just shy of 4 years old, I was sure she was ready for kindergarten. She had known her shapes and colors for years, and she could read. She could recite the alphabet and do basic … Continue reading

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Can You Get Paid to Homeschool? A Guide to Grants for Homeschooling

Is it possible to get paid to homeschool your children? If you are a homeschool parent, or considering homeschooling, the cost of teaching your kids at home can feel intimidating. So... can you get paid to homeschool?

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7 Reasons to Buy Your Homeschool Curriculum Early

Although your new school year may be months away, now is the best time to order next year's homeschool curriculum. Here are seven reasons why earlier is better when it comes to getting your new homeschool curriculum purchases squared away.
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The 14 Best Christian Homeschool Programs & Curriculum Options

Many parents who feel called to homeschool their children set out specifically to find Christian homeschool programs or curriculum. Homeschooling gives parents a unique opportunity to share the gospel with our children and approach subjects with a Biblical perspective.

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From Public School to Homeschool: Shedding a Testing Mentality

Spelling tests on Friday, language tests every other Friday, math tests after each unit (usually landing on Friday somehow), science test after each unit (also on Friday).... If your school experience was like mine, Fridays were usually test days. In … Continue reading

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Homeschooling Multiple Children: Top Tips For Success

Homeschooling is a choice that can make a big difference in the overall education of your child. But what happens when you need to consider the needs of multiple children? The fact is most homeschooling families are doing so with … Continue reading

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I could never homeschool because… Part 1: Academics

The hardest part of homeschooling often isn't the homeschooling! With a great curriculum like Sonlight, teaching is the easy part! The harder part is clearing the hurdles to get started in the first place. We’re here to help you push past these worries that many homeschool parents … Continue reading

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