Tag Archives: assessment

From Public School to Homeschool: Shedding a Testing Mentality

Spelling tests on Friday, language tests every other Friday, math tests after each unit (usually landing on Friday somehow), science test after each unit (also on Friday).... If your school experience was like mine, Fridays were usually test days. In … Continue reading

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6 Ways to Give Your Homeschool a Progress Report

“Okay, let’s do the AAR,” my husband said after a church event our family had organized. We gathered in the living room and one by one gave our two cents, down to our youngest child. “I really liked when we … Continue reading

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How to Find and Fill Academic Gaps

Watch the video above or read the transcript below to learn how finding academic gaps is a good thing in your homeschool! If after watching or reading, you still have questions about what your child needs, reach out to an … Continue reading

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3 Ways to Know Your Kids are Retaining Their Homeschool Lessons

You’re convinced that the state-mandated, fill-in-the-bubble tests are not terribly helpful. Instead, you're certain that sitting with your child one-on-one day in and day out gives you a much better gauge of his skill mastery. But you’ve got a niggling … Continue reading

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8 Ways I Re-evaluate My Homeschool for the New Year

I love Christmas, but I think I love the New Year just about as much. There’s something exciting about a fresh start that makes my heart happy. This is especially true in homeschooling. Usually, by the time October rolls around, … Continue reading

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