Tag Archives: Testing

From Public School to Homeschool: Shedding a Testing Mentality

Spelling tests on Friday, language tests every other Friday, math tests after each unit (usually landing on Friday somehow), science test after each unit (also on Friday).... If your school experience was like mine, Fridays were usually test days. In … Continue reading

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3 Steps Before You Begin Assessing Your Child’s Progress

“But how will I know if my child is where he should be?” That’s usually one of the first few questions prospective homeschool moms ask me. We always want to know if we are doing things correctly, if we are … Continue reading

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8 Ways to Assess (and Document) Your Child's Learning

Assessing your child doesn’t have to be complicated. My favorite motto for just about everything homeschool related is “Keep It Simple!” So keep that in mind as you read through this list, and remember that there are several different ways … Continue reading

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3 Ways to Know Your Kids are Retaining Their Homeschool Lessons

You’re convinced that the state-mandated, fill-in-the-bubble tests are not terribly helpful. Instead, you're certain that sitting with your child one-on-one day in and day out gives you a much better gauge of his skill mastery. But you’ve got a niggling … Continue reading

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When Education Becomes a Knowledge Set Instead of a Lifestyle

Study Guide vs Story One of the blogs I follow shared an article about why using textbooks and tests is doomed for failure. The thing that stuck out to me -- amidst the discussion of education funding, resource management, and … Continue reading

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The Limited Benefits of Testing

Finals approach in the steady march of an overwhelming, advancing army. Many of "my kids" are working hard to balance study with family for the holidays. Stress runs high. Even worse, some of the upcoming tests will fail to take … Continue reading

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Privacy Problems with Public Testing

Historically, we do not like it when people mandate things for us without our of feedback. "Taxation without representation" rallied us to break into our own nation. And every now and again I read about something in schools that makes … Continue reading

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