Tag Archives: public school

From Public School to Homeschool: Shedding a Testing Mentality

Spelling tests on Friday, language tests every other Friday, math tests after each unit (usually landing on Friday somehow), science test after each unit (also on Friday).... If your school experience was like mine, Fridays were usually test days. In … Continue reading

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Failing Preschool: An Early Education Trend That Crushes Kids

"My daughter failed kindergarten because she wouldn't sit still." These words from a mom who wrote me recently were just another confirmation of the unrealistic (and unhealthy!) expectations for American kindergarten. Young children are born to explore, interact, and discover. … Continue reading

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From Public School to Homeschool: What Counts as School?

In public school, it’s easy to quantify school time. School time is from the time you arrive to the time you leave, approximately seven hours or so. Defining school hours gets a little murky, though, when we begin talking about … Continue reading

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From Public School to Homeschool: Accepting Being Different

Having been a public school graduate and a public school teacher, I never even considered homeschooling. I had already sent my oldest child to kindergarten at the local public school, and he was successful. However, something kept nagging me. I … Continue reading

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Why Sending Your Child to Public School Won’t Solve Your Problems

We’ve all been there: those days when you just aren’t sure you are doing enough. When you’re certain the school down the street will do a better job that you can. Times you are so frustrated you figure it just … Continue reading

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When Your Child Wants to Go to School (Instead of Homeschooling)

It’s common for homeschooled children (and their parents) to wonder about or want to try public school. But, when children start insisting they would rather go to school than be homeschooled, it can hit hard. Parents do not make the … Continue reading

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Nine Reminders for When I Think I'm Failing My Children by Homeschooling

Some days I get discouraged and fear that I'm failing my children by teaching them at home. I see the gaps in their learning. I fear they are behind or may fall behind. I wonder if we do too little bookwork … Continue reading

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