Category Archives: Homeschool Basics

Homeschool 101, getting started, and articles for those new to homeschooling. Here are the basics every homeschool parent wonders about and needs to have clarity on.

From Public School to Homeschool: Deschooling

You’re toying with the idea of homeschooling. You’re beginning to imagine what it could look like to school at home instead of sending your kids back to public school. You may be searching online for some school desks and chairs. … Continue reading

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100 Reasons to Switch to Sonlight

Besides the $100 savings through Jan. 31, 2023, there are an additional 100 reasons to switch to homeschooling with Sonlight curriculum. Continue reading

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How to Make a Mid-Year Switch to Homeschooling with Sonlight

#SONLIGHTSTORIES "After two years of using a computer/video-based curriculum, something wasn’t working for us. The program left no space for fun, exploring, or developing my little one's interests. Most of all, our relationship began to suffer. Our homeschool day consisted … Continue reading

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6 Ways to Give Your Homeschool a Progress Report

“Okay, let’s do the AAR,” my husband said after a church event our family had organized. We gathered in the living room and one by one gave our two cents, down to our youngest child. “I really liked when we … Continue reading

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I could never homeschool because... Part 3: Socialization

Socialization is one of the leading concerns about homeschooling. Rest assured, though, homeschooling is a fantastic way to socialize your child. Continue reading

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I could never homeschool because... Part 2: Money

The hardest part of homeschooling often isn't the homeschooling! With a great curriculum like Sonlight, the teaching is the easy part! The harder part is clearing the hurdles to get started in the first place. We’re here to help you push past these worries that many homeschool … Continue reading

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7 Seemingly Insignificant Homeschool Perks that Make a Big Difference

"As a first time homeschool mom, I was very timid when deciding whether to choose to homeschool. After researching Sonlight, I came to love how the program is run and how each grade is set up. I love how much … Continue reading

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