Tag Archives: learning

Summer Camp at Home: A DIY Guide for Homeschoolers

Do you want to enrich and refresh your child this summer? Many families in my hometown turn to day camps—from Computer Programming Camp to Ninja Warrior Camp—as a way to fill their children’s summer days with fun and learning. I’ve … Continue reading

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Summer Schooling: 4 Solutions for Laid Back Learning

Sweet summertime. It’s a time of Popsicles and bare feet, sunshine and late nights. If you are like me, you love summer. For homeschoolers and public schoolers alike, it’s a great time to recharge your batteries and enjoy your kids … Continue reading

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The Big List: 25 Ways Reading Helps Your Children

I love books. And I love helping children learn to love books not only because reading is a great pastime. I also believe that reading and hearing stories read out loud should be central in every child’s education. So it’s … Continue reading

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Why Storytelling Matters for Your Homeschool

Imagine you grew up in an ancient indigenous culture with no books, no computers, no electricity. How would you have spent your evenings? Perhaps around a fire, listening to stories. Most cultures around the world have passed on their values … Continue reading

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How Books Help You Raise Proactive Kids Who Aren't Afraid to Fail

Nine-year-old Betsy was set up to fail. Primped and pampered her whole life, she had never done a chore or fixed her own hair. When circumstances changed and Betsy went to live with cousins on a Vermont farm, her new … Continue reading

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Parent-intensive Versus Hands-off Homeschooling

Did you know that some homeschool programs will teach your children for you? You can put your child in front of a computer and then go about your day. Your kids can be homeschooled without your being involved. This is … Continue reading

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10 Things Homeschoolers Get Right

Trying to change public education is like trying to steer an ocean liner ... with 1,000 people clamoring for the steering wheel at once. In other words, it's hard to do. By the time most change happens, it has been … Continue reading

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