How a Literature-Rich Homeschool Works for a Child with Dyslexia

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Why a Literature-Rich Homeschool Program Works for a Child with Dyslexia

"Sonlight has given Eli a love for books despite his dyslexia. Reading aloud is the highlight of our day. Audio books are a must in our house. I could never read aloud as many books as he devours. Thank you, Sonlight!"

Stefany A. of Shawnee, KS

As a parent of four children with varying degrees of dyslexia, dysgraphia, and visual processing issues, finding a curriculum that works can be difficult. Most curricula depend heavily on a child’s reading ability: a child must be able to read the written work, comprehend it, and then read the tests in order to answer the questions correctly. Even subjects that aren’t reading-based still require reading skills to be able to read the instructions on a math page or the steps to laying out a science experiment. 

Students with dyslexia face challenges in every subject, especially since issues with dyslexia extend far beyond just reading and writing. These children often struggle to memorize math facts and historical dates, often have trouble learning foreign languages, and may have trouble remembering directions and faces. 

With all those challenges facing a dyslexic child, why would a parent choose a program that is largely based upon reading books?! And how could a literature-based program help a child for whom books are a major issue?

Based on my experience and that of other parents who agreed to let me share their stories, yes! A literature-based homeschool curriculum like Sonlight does work for a child with dyslexia. Here's why.

1. Sonlight Works Even Before Children Learn to Read

Sonlight (as well as most other literature-based curricula) doesn’t wait until your child is reading well independently to teach information. You’ll begin reading to your child about science and history in preschool, and continue reading to them up through middle school. Some parents even continue reading to their children in high school. Many of the History / Bible / Literature programs, and even the Science programs, have the parent reading books to the child well above the typical reading level of that age group. 

Sonlight Levels Aren't Limited by Grade Levels

For example, in Sonlight HBL D, one of the history spines is The Landmark History of the American People: From Plymouth to the West. This is an updated version of a book which was written, not to third through fifth graders as one might expect based on Sonlight’s grade recommendations, but as a social commentary for adults. In the book, you won’t find a watered-down, reading-leveled book with carefully selected vocabulary and content catered to this age group, but a full variety of interesting and engaging topics such as how propaganda created an influx of people from Europe to emigrate to America, how voting practices have changed over the years, and how the housing market in the New Land created business opportunities blocked to many back in the Old World. 

[A spine is a book that provides structure to your year of study and is usually the main book used all year long.]

You will be reading to your preschool-aged children about atoms and quarks, and your child in early elementary about how Hammurabi created the first known code of laws, and why many believe that Pharaoh Menes and King Narmer were the same person. Your child doesn’t need to be able to read those things themselves because the program relies on shared reading experiences between parent and child.

My oldest daughter, now age 18, has used Sonlight since she was 4. She was diagnosed with dyslexia at age 8. We have struggled with writing and spelling lessons since the beginning. However, she was surprising adults with her knowledge of history and science well before she was diagnosed. Because I read aloud to her about topics she would have struggled to read her own, her dyslexia didn't hold her back from learning. 

2. Sonlight’s Book Selections Promote Alternate Learning

The methods used in most classrooms and some homeschool programs are difficult for dyslexic children.

Students are asked to read materials and then answer questions based on the reading. They are assigned several books throughout the day, one or more per subject, where they are asked to pay careful attention to all the details and later regurgitate what they have learned.

Names, dates, and place words are often hard for dyslexic children to retain and remember. They spend so much time struggling to decode the words and remember details that they often miss the main point and have to go back and read it again. 

Sonlight Approaches Learning Differently 

A literature-based approach (instead of a textbook approach) is much easier for dyslexic children to digest. Children are presented with an important character or pivotal event. Then a story is built around it, drawing the child into a narrative, all the while creating mental hook for them to hang information on.

For example, in the book Breaking Stalin’s Nose from Sonlight’s HBL F, my second child wasn’t given a list of people and places to remember about Stalin. Instead, he was given one person to remember—a 10-year-old boy named Sasha. All the other events in the story revolve around that character. Through that character’s eyes, my son was introduced to Stalin and communism.

Those facts about Russia have stayed with him for the past four years. He still remembers not only the book, but many details about life in Russia during that time period—all because of the power of story (not dry facts) to help him understand. 

3. Sonlight Allows You the Freedom to Adjust Every Step Along the Way

Because dyslexic children vary greatly in ability from subject to subject and display high levels of asynchronicity, they often require a highly customized curriculum. Sonlight allows you the ability to pick and choose the level your child needs for each individual subject. 

Sonlight Allows You To Mix and Match

Below HBL D, reading level isn’t tied to the level of the program your child is working at. You are free to mix and match levels so your child can work on their reading skills without it affecting their learning in other subjects at all. Your child doesn’t need to struggle through difficult reading assignments in order to work at their level in other subjects. They can get a full, rich education in all their subjects, while they wait for their reading and writing skills to catch up. 

Elizabeth, a 7-year-old dyslexic daughter of one of my friends, is working through Sonlight’s HBL C program with an older brother. Paired with it, she's using Language Arts 1, and Grade 2 Readers. She is able to get exactly the level of work she needs in each subject and is able to progress at her own rate.

Sonlight Offers a Variety of Choices

  • Not only can you pick and choose reading levels and history programs in the lower levels, but at every level you can choose which math, handwriting, spelling, or science you want and still get all the benefits of ordering a full package. For those who need to use an outside resource for challenging subjects such as spelling or writing, there’s a way to order a package prefect for your child. Call an Advisor to get help deciding what your child needs and placing a customized order.
  • Sonlight offers hands-on projects and lap books to make learning more meaningful to children who struggle with words.
  • Sonlight uses a wide array of award-winning living books so it's easier to find these titles in audio book format. While I find that my dyslexic children learn best when I am reading to them, I sometimes rely on audio books especially during high school when kids want to be independent learners.

4. Sonlight’s Rich Read-Alouds Transform Reading from Chore to Joy

Because Sonlight uses wonderful living books that are far from the drudgery of ordinary textbooks, even if the books are hard to read at times, the captivating plot content and heart-touching characters engage your child. Listening to these stories read by a parent demonstrates that reading is enjoyable and interesting, not a struggle with little reward. 

Michael, Elizabeth’s older brother, usually hates sitting still for workbooks and textbooks, but has recently begun asking his mother for “just one more chapter” of many of his favorite Read-Alouds. For a boy who’s not usually interested in stories, he can’t help but want to know more about Robin Hood and Michelangelo. 

5. Sonlight Allows for Discussion Rather than Testing

It’s easy to assume a dyslexic child is less intelligent than she actually is, because she often performs poorly on tests, including tests for intelligence. Or he might not be able to keep up with his schoolwork because he can’t read all the assignments fast enough. However, a large percentage of dyslexic children are above-average in intelligence. They simply struggle to learn in traditional methods. 

By taking the tests and the pop quizzes and extra writing assignments out of the equation, we can allow that intelligence to shine. 

Cassandra, a 9-year-old in third grade (after having been held back because of her reading and writing issues in public school), was assigned a book report on the book Freckle Juice. She labored over her assignment for a full month, working diligently. When grades were released, she came home in tears. She had gotten a D on an assignment she had worked on longer and harder than most of her younger classmates. 

Cassandra’s mother pulled her from school, determined to give homeschooling a shot. She came to me to help her pick the right level to start out at, and together, we concluded she would be happiest starting with HBL B, which would be a little on the easy side, while she worked on her reading and writing skills. One of her writing assignments this year was to give a book report on her favorite book. She chose a book her mother had read out loud to her, and gave a lovely oral book report far greater what she could have written herself, demonstrating a deep and nuanced understanding of the topic, and even adding a little research she had done on her own. She wasn’t tied down to what she could read or write on her own, but was free to display all her knowledge without hindrance.

Because I have so many dyslexic children, I need a program that not only can work with my children, but is easy enough for me to teach while still finding time to focus on the hard subjects. Sonlight allows me to spend large portions of our day enjoying school and reading together, which makes the math, reading, and writing portions of our day not only more tolerable, but more fun. In the end, I am raising dyslexic children who not only can read and write, but love reading and writing.

try Sonlight free
With a literature-based curriculum, students naturally want to keep learning. Try it free!
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5 Systems for Putting Your Household on Autopilot

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5 Systems for Putting Your Household on Autopilot

When I was younger, one of my favorite cartoons was The Jetson’s. I loved how they lived, suspended in the air and flying their cars around. One of the best parts about living in the future, as I saw it, was being able to make your food with just the press of a button. Whatever you wanted would magically appear. And who can forget Rosie, the housekeeper robot? She was my favorite character!

Oh, how I dreamed of the day we would hit the year 2000 and all of our homes would be converted to sky-castles and our drive to school would include a stunning view below.

Well, the year 2000 came and went. The new year definitely brought with it some new technology, but it wasn’t quite what I had envisioned from my days of Saturday morning cartoons. Within the next few years, I became a mother and found myself sorry that the technology hasn’t provided me with my very own Rosie. However, I have found that there are several things busy homeschool moms can do to put housework on autopilot even without a housekeeping robot. Here are just a few.

1. Rotating Menu

A few years ago, I found myself overwhelmed with life. I had a serious case of decision fatigue. So, with the encouragement of my husband, I put our menu on a rotation. When we first began, I had a very strict rotation, making the same 6 meals every single week. I thought we would tire of the meals, but surprisingly, my family loved it! They appreciated their favorites showing up each week, and they loved knowing what was for dinner. My first menu looked something like this:

  • Monday-Spaghetti, Salad, Bread
  • Tuesday-BBQ Chicken Thighs, Baked Potato, Green Beans
  • Wednesday-Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich, Chips
  • Thursday-Tacos, Tortilla Chips & Salsa, Cheese Dip
  • Friday-Carry Out Pizza
  • Saturday-Chicken & Dumplings or Soup
  • Sunday-Leftovers

As I began to feel a little more like myself, I eased up our rotation. You’ll notice a little more wiggle room in our rotation now. Now it looks something like this:

  • Monday-Italian Night
  • Tuesday-Meat & Potatoes Night
  • Wednesday-Sub Sandwich Bar
  • Thursday-Mexican Night
  • Friday-Pizza Night
  • Saturday-Appetizers or Soup
  • Sunday-Refrigerator Potpourri

The rotating menu has saved my sanity by putting meals on autopilot. It has simplified my grocery shopping, and my family loves it! Anytime I find a stressed out mom, I suggest a rotating menu. 

2. Chore Zones

We have been using chore zones for several years, and I love it for putting housekeeping on autopilot! One child is responsible for one chore zone each day.

  • Kitchen Zone-clear the dining room table, unload dishwasher, put dirty dishes into dishwasher, wipe counters, sweep floor, mop on Fridays
  • Living Room Zone-Pick up any item that does not belong in the living room and take it to its place, fold throws and fluff pillows, take any mugs or glasses into the kitchen, vacuum the carpet
  • Bathroom Zone-Pick up any clothes or towels, wipe down counters and toilet, sweep floors, mop on Fridays
  • Outdoor Zone-pick up any trash, put toys where they go, feed & water dog, sweep porch

We rotate the chore zones each week so that within a month’s time, my four children have done each chore zone. This keeps any one child from being stuck in the most difficult area. I post the expectations in each chore zone, so everyone knows exactly what to do. We also have training for each area where I model each task.

3. Habit Training

Oh yes! I am taking a cue from Charlotte Mason herself. I have a love-hate relationship with habit training. On the one hand, for the areas where we have invested the time, I love it! But in the areas where we have been lax, I continually think about how we need to do habit training.

However you view it, habit training most certainly helps put a household on autopilot. It’s surprising how much small tasks, like training your children to clean their dish after supper, can help keep the house cleaned up.

Time spent in habit training is never time wasted. 

When we notice an area where our kids have gotten lazy or relaxed, we focus in on that one habit, practice it with our children repeatedly, and spend a week or so making sure that they follow through with the new, or simply forgotten, habit. After a week of intensive habit training, a monthly check-in is usually sufficient for us.

A few ideas for habit training that encourages an autopilot household include:

  • Where to take shoes off
  • Where to hang coats
  • Cleaning up the bathroom after baths/showers
  • Where to put dirty clothes
  • Daily room clean up

Anything that needs to be done on a daily basis is a good candidate for habit training.

4. Clutter Control

Keeping clutter at a minimum is the best defense against an unruly home. My kids still bring home tiny trinkets and special rocks, and I think that’s a very important part of childhood. But that also makes regular decluttering sessions a must.

I like to make sure we do a quick declutter sweep in each room about every month. Also, we declutter clothing before each season change, and we do a larger deep cleaning during the summer.

Some families are much better about keeping things from coming inside the house to begin with. I think this is great too, and I sometimes wish we were more like that. But as long as regular decluttering takes place, you are well on your way to a house on autopilot.

5. Grocery Pick-Up Services

Online grocery shopping, grocery delivery, and grocery pick-ups are the closest that we have to the push-button food delivery that the Jetsons enjoyed, and I am thrilled! Grocery pick-up service is newly available at my local grocery store, and it has revolutionized my grocery shopping.

  1. First, online services will remember what you order regularly, so you can easily go through and check off your usual choices. This perk especially helps if you use a rotating menu.
  2. Then, throughout the week when you run out of something, simply open the app and add it to your shopping list.
  3. When you sit down to work on your menu for the week, add the necessary ingredients, and kick up your feet and rest until your pick-up time. 

Life will always include work, and so much of that work is mundane, routine housework. Even though we don’t have a Rosie robot maid buzzing around, a lot of our current technology can help us keep up with the housework if we take advantage of it. Of course, I’m still hoping for those suspended houses and flying cars in the near future!

Choose a homeschool curriculum that saves you time by providing day-by-day plans.

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5 Principles for Dealing with Homeschool Behavior Problems

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5 Principles for Dealing with Homeschool Behavior Problems

When we first begin homeschooling, it’s easy to imagine breezy days of sweet Read-Alouds and smiling children. If you’re lucky, the first few days can be like that. But it can be a rude awakening when reality sets in and we are reminded that we are not teaching little angels. We are teaching fallible humans. Sometimes we find that we are teaching miniature versions of ourselves! Oh, the irony to see ourselves mirrored in these tiny people! 

So we find ourselves in a new to deal with behavior problems in the homeschool. Here are a few things that I have found to be helpful.

1. Accept That Behavior Problems Will Come

You may have weeks of blissful schooling, and I certainly hope you do, but none of us are perfect. There will come a point where you’ll have to deal with issues.

Consider it part of your job description.

If you aren’t surprised by the setback, you’ll be ahead of the game in dealing with it. 

You may even find that your child who had perfect behavior at public school seems to have all kinds of troubles with you as the teacher. Don’t worry! This is normal. Your child is much more comfortable in their own house with you as their teacher than they would be at public school. They are more apt to let down their guard. 

Expect these bumps in the road.

2. Teach Them Diligently

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Be diligent to teach your children who God is. Then, teach them that they are image bearers of God. Give them The Gospel daily. Trust this to transform them from the inside out. It will take time...maybe more time than you would like. But the Bible says our hopes will be rewarded eventually: 

“so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”

Isaiah 55:11

Many schools use behavior modification systems, such as color charts and strike systems. Use caution with these. They are not long-term solutions to heart problems. If you choose to use a behavior modification system, be sure to accompany it with The Word of God. 

3. Stay Calm, Don’t Lecture

So far, my advice has been preventative. I cannot stress how important it is to do the preventative work in your family. It’s always easier to be proactive than to find yourself in a place where you will have to be reactive. However, even if you do all the right things, your children will have their moments, just like you and I have our moments. In that time, we need to know how to react. 

Stay calm.

Take a deep breath and speak in your most calm voice. Remember, your child probably isn’t thinking clearly, so you must be the voice of reason. Don’t let your child’s behavior get you into a fuss too. Simply state what you would like for them to do in the least words possible. For example,
“Evan, stop throwing the ball so you can get your work done.”

If your child chooses not to stop throwing the ball, simply state the consequence. Don’t lecture.

Does anyone else find this the most difficult part? This point is where I want to begin a five- to ten-minute lecture on why we don’t throw the ball, why we need to make better choices, and what Evan needs to work on.

If you feel that there is definitely a need for more explanation, then by all means, file the incident away to discuss in an upcoming Bible or character lesson. But the heat of the moment is never a good time to lecture.

4. Set Up Consequences Beforehand and Be Consistent

Before you find yourself in a situation like the one I described above, you’ll want to sit down with paper and a pen to list common behavior problems that your children face. Every family is different, so while dawdling may be an issue in my family, you may have a completely different set of struggles.

Then, beside each behavior problem, write down an appropriate consequence. It is best to do this when you are in a calm state of mind. I would recommend that you try to lump similar offenses together so that you have only a handful of consequences. For example, dawdling and doing messy work might have the same consequence. Both of those could be handled by having the child stay inside during break time to finish or re-do the work. Reducing the number of consequences will reduce the possibilities you will consider in the heat of the moment, and this will help you to stay calm and collected. 

Once you have your list, keep it close by to reference every so often. Dole out the consequence with as little emotion as possible, and see to it that you follow through. 

Most importantly, be consistent. Consistency is one of the most challenging parts of parenthood. We must be consistent in correcting bad behavior so we don’t send mixed messages to our children. Keep going, even when it gets tough, even when you’re tired. Hard work pays off.

5. Encourage, Affirm, Connect

We always need to be aware of our speech to our children. When they hear our voice in their head, do they hear us correcting them or encouraging them?

We should always strive to have more encouraging moments with our kids than we have correcting moments. This is difficult, especially when you have a child with a lot of behavior issues. However, we want to help them create a positive inner dialogue. After correcting their behavior, you might add, “I know you can do this.” 

You’ll also want to affirm them often. Remember to point out the character qualities that you see them either improving upon or that they have mastered. For example, “I know it would have been easier to lie about that, but I am so grateful that you chose to be honest. It’s great to know I can trust you,” or, “I have been watching you, and I’ve noticed how kind you have been to your sister lately. I’m so thankful that God is developing this quality in your heart.”

Finally, connect with your child often. Talk, talk, talk, but even more so, listen, listen, listen. Find out what’s happening in their heart.

  • What are they worried about?
  • What are they happy about?
  • What’s going well in their life?
  • Not so well?

If your child isn’t a talker, try playing a game while you chat, or find the place where they feel safe enough to open up. For me, it was always the front seat of my mom’s car. She would take me for a drive any time I needed to talk. 

I tell my children regularly that I will correct them. They should expect that, and they should know that I don’t expect perfection from them. I correct because I love them too much to leave them where they are. This is the same thing that God does with us.

He loves us too much to leave us in our sin. He meets us where we are, but thankfully, He doesn’t leave us there. He gives us the Holy Spirit to help us in our sanctification, and transforms us day by day to look more like His Son, Jesus, so that we might spread The Gospel throughout the world.

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How to Homeschool the Auditory Learner

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How to Homeschool the Auditory Learner

Are you homeschooling a child who struggles with reading comprehension? Perhaps they struggle with or show the signs of a visual processing disorder such as dyslexia. They might wear glasses or have trouble seeing. Perhaps they just don’t like reading or writing. Some children learn best when they hear the lessons rather than read them on their own. 

Children who fit these traits are probably auditory learners. They enjoy and learn best from sound: conversation, discussion, video, and music.

Auditory learners prefer to learn by hearing instead of by seeing or doing. Of course, using all kinds of learning methods, including visual and kinesthetic, will enrich your homeschool. So even if you find you have an auditory learner, don't discard other avenues of learning. But when your auditory learner is struggling, it's a good idea to revert back to the preferred auditory methods listed below. These techniques will provide the smoothest learning experience.

Reading Techniques for the Auditory Learner

  • Research shows that being read to by a parent is more helpful than watching videos or listening to audiobooks, so keep reading aloud to them. If they have a disorder or delay that affects their ability to read to themselves, don’t be afraid to read their Readers to them. 
  • Of course, audiobooks are still a great option. 
  • Have your child follow along visually in a book while listening to either a Read-Aloud or an audiobook.
  • Videos, especially documentaries with vivid explanations or a lot of dialogue, can help auditory learners process the action onscreen. Sonlight offers videos to help in math, science, and Bible, grammar, and more.

Discussion Techniques for Auditory Learners

  • Discuss your homeschool lessons using discussion questions provided in your curriculum and also letting conversation flow naturally.
  • Encourage auditory learners to talk to themselves or use active play where they include dialogue to act out scenes. 
  • Allow them to talk aloud while doing assignments. Letting them hear their own voice often helps children process information better. 
  • Include toys for active role-play, where they can narrate scenes and
  • Your child might enjoy group activities or co-op classes where they can talk about what they are learning with other people. Take part in a homeschool science fair, art exhibition, or geography bee.
  • Have your auditory learner present their daily homeschool lessons to the family at mealtime or to a parent before bedtime.

Writing Techniques for the Auditory Learner

  • Instead of having your child draft their writing assignments by hand, help them record what they want to say. They can listen to the playback to identify needed edits.
  • In fact, sometimes a good video recording of a writing assignment can be used in place of the actual written work. Help teach them to edit the video or do a couple takes until their report says exactly what they want it to say. 
  • Play music while doing subjects such as math or writing, or any quiet work. 
  • Do math problems out loud on a dry erase board together, and use a video instructor program such as Math U See to provide auditory instructions for working the problems. 

Music Techniques for Auditory Learners

  • Educational music is perfect for auditory learners, whether it's music appreciation or academics set to catchy tunes. My favorites are Geography Songs and Bible verses set to music.
  • Play music frequently throughout the day. Use trial and error to determine if songs with lyrics are distracting to your auditory learner. Try classical and contemporary. See what works!
  • Allow them to create their own songs (or parodies of songs they already know) to help them retain what they are learning.

Fortunately, Sonlight homeschool curriculum works well with auditory learners. Rich Read-Alouds are included at every level, even in high school, so your children are getting the bulk of their lessons through listening. Even books scheduled as Readers can be used as Read-Alouds as needed. In the Instructor's Guides, Sonlight suggests discussion questions for every book you read—perfect for the auditory learner.

See if the Sonlight method would work for your auditory learner. Request your free novel and study guide now.

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Don't Graduate Your High Schooler Without These Life Skills

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Don't Graduate Your High Schooler Without These Life Skills

Homeschool doesn’t last forever!

It's a sentiment which has the potential to wring the heart of any homeschool parent, even those who are still in the early stages, wondering if adding and subtracting are ever going to click.

They will.

And someday the kids who repeatedly misspelled school will be all grown up and graduated—moving away from home, heading off to college and careers, marriages, and all manner of grown-up life.

Someday, your homeschooled high-schooler will graduate. Besides using a curriculum that teaches them the reading, math, writing, and science they need, how else can you ensure that your kids are best prepared for life beyond homeschool?

Here are crucial life skills to make sure you cover with your teens before high school graduation. Be sure to consider these when you create a homeschool high school plan.

1. Personal Finance Skills

Your teen should have some experience with handling a personal budget and managing their finances at this point in life, but the stakes are higher when, post-graduation, they begin seeking further education or move out on their own. For most young people, this is the first time that the amounts of money that they are managing begin to number in the thousands of dollars. This is when young adults often begin paying all or a great amount of their own living expenses, from groceries and rent to insurance.

Being able to make both big and small financial decisions that are in line with their own values is crucial to starting adulthood strong. Far too many twenty- and thirty-somethings in my own generation look back on their early adult years and wish they had made different choices.

Have meaningful conversations about finances throughout their high school years and give them the tools they need to make wise decisions.

During their teen years, consider having your student watch as you file taxes, pay bills, and create the family budget. Discuss how your values and financial goals influence your decisions for spending. Talk about the vocabulary surrounding savings accounts, retirement funds, and credit cards.

Personal Finance Discussion Starters for Teens

One of the best ways to make sure that your teens are prepared to handle real-world finances is to have open discussions about money and financial choices. Here is a list of discussion starters:

  • What are your career goals? What further education, if any, will be necessary to achieve those goals? How do you plan to pay for this education?
  • Are you willing to take out a loan to complete college if it is necessary? Are there alternative ways to get such a degree without going into debt?
  • What are you willing to get into debt for? For example, are you comfortable with taking out a loan on a car?
  • Do you know how to check your account balances?
  • Do you know how to check your credit rating and how to freeze your credit?
  • What is more important—attending a specific college or finding an affordable college?
  • Are you comfortable filing your own taxes? What are the possible consequences to errors on a tax return?
  • How do your values influence your daily spending, your giving, and your long-term saving? 
Sonlight Scholarships

2. Strong Communication Skills

Your homeschooled student needs to be comfortable with receiving a phone call from a stranger and making one. This seemingly small task is one that has become a foreign experience in the generation that was raised with texting and social media! But there are still many times in grown-up life when you must make a phone call—to set up a job interview, to deal with a utility bill, or when you have a concern about your health insurance. 

Phone calls are just one aspect of the wider range of strong communication skills that are needed to prepare your teen for life after graduation. Clear email communication plays a key role in many, if not most, careers, and it’s also important to develop confidence in face-to-face communication with people of any generation and background. 

Communication Life Skills Discussion Starters for Teens

As you seek to help your homeschooled student improve their communication skills, discuss these topics:

  • How does the manner in which you talk to a stranger display your values?
  • How would you respond if a person at work was rude and disrespectful to you? Would your response be different based on whether the person was a customer/client, a boss, or someone lower in rank than you?
  • What communication strategies can you use to respectfully defuse tension during a difficult conversation?
  • What types of professional situations would be better addressed in a face-to-face meeting? Which would be better addressed via email or phone call?
Level 600 Sonlight Electives

3. Household Skills

There’s no reason for the “bachelor apartment” phenomenon to exist, among young men or women. If your teens are equipped with the skills they need to maintain their homes, prepare nutritious meals, and keep their vehicles in safe working order before they leave the nest, then you won’t have to worry about becoming that parent of urban legend whose college student mails clothing back home to be laundered.

During the older teen years, when your kids often become busier outside the home with jobs, extracurriculars, and friends, it can become harder to enforce regular chore duties. But in spite of how busy schedules can become, making sure that your teens have adequate opportunity to practice and improve their household skills will prepare them to balance the maintenance of a home, yard, and vehicle while working full-time and raising their own families. 

Household Life Skills Discussion Starters for Teens

  • How comfortable are you with doing a routine car maintenance and safety checks on a vehicle before embarking on a long road trip (checking oil, tire pressure, etc.)?
  • Given your financial situation and location, what types of car maintenance jobs make more sense to perform at home? Which jobs are better handed off to professionals?
  • How can you best balance concerns regarding health, budget, and time when it comes to meals?
  • What types of home repairs can you learn to do yourself? When should you call a plumber or electrician?
  • What does the cleanliness of your living space reflect about your values and respect for other people who live in or visit their home?

4. Emotional Skills

The ability to gracefully handle the stress of adult life will be crucial for your children as they begin to leave home. There are countless intimidating first times ahead of them. Does your teen know where to turn when they feel overwhelmed with a new responsibility or situation?

Emotional Skills Discussion Starters for Teens

  • What are healthy ways to approach conflict in personal and professional relationships? What types of rhetoric should be avoided when arguing with someone you want to maintain a relationship with?
  • What healthy coping skills help most when you are faced with stressful life situations that you cannot control? Which are not effective?
  • In relationships, are you able to recognize signs and signals of manipulation, control, unhealthy dependence, or abuse? How do you foresee responding to the end of a romantic relationship? 
  • What people in your life do you trust most when you need to discuss difficult situations?
  • What role can forgiveness play in recovery from emotional wounds?
  • What assets do you have in your toolbox to combat anxious thoughts?
  • What responses to difficult seasons are you going to decide are “not an option” for you? (I.E. quitting a job without a backup plan, causing physical harm to self or others, etc.)

At these later stages of homeschool, it's time to move beyond simple physical skills into critical thinking, discussing why and how to apply the skills you’ve taught them. This is a key season as we seek to train the hearts and minds of our children. We pray they approach their own lives mindfully, rather than merely operating on auto-pilot or following the crowd of peers.

Mix and Match High School with Sonlight

For homeschooling high school with Sonlight, you have a variety of options. Mix-and-match courses to offer you maximum flexibility! 

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11 Best Fiction Books for Animal Lovers

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11 Best Fiction Books for Animal Lovers

Supply your animal-loving child with a home library of books featuring beloved animals. In these titles, you'll fall in love with pets, farm animals, and wild creatures—fantastic and real. Sometimes the animals are the main characters of the book, and in other cases the animals are portrayed in relation to human characters.

1. Babe the Gallant Pig

by Dick King-Smith

from Sonlight's History / Bible / Literature B Package

You may have seen the movie. Don't discount the book!

Set on a farm, the book recounts the story of Babe, a pig. After being taken in by Farmer Hogget's sheepdog, Fly, it's only natural Babe would want to follow in his foster mum's paw-steps. Even with considerable handicaps as a sheepdog (namely, he's a pig), he manages to overcome all with his earnestly polite and soft-spoken ways, proving once again that might doesn't always make right.

After saving the sheep from rustlers and wild dogs, Babe convinces Hogget that his idea of becoming a sheep-pig might not be so silly after all. No one could have predicted what follows.

Pair it with a trip to a farm to see how sheep are raised.

2. Kildee House

by Rutherford G. Montgomery

from Sonlight's History / Bible / Literature B Package

A warm story about an asocial recluse who finally wins friends when he builds and moves into a cottage in the forest.

Your forest-loving child will be enchanted by the parade of raccoons, deer, skunks, and other woodland creatures that take over Kildee House and enrich the life of the man living in their midst.

Your kids may want to move to a cabin in the woods after reading this one!

3. Mountain Born

by Elizabeth Yates

from Sonlight's History / Bible / Literature B Package

Sheep are the featured animal in this touching, beautifully crafted, and thought-provoking work of fiction in which a young farm boy grows up.

This more mature book deals with several life issues: birth, death, real life farm activities, working hard and living off the land. The family never protects their young son from the realities of life, but instead allow his experiences to mold him into a caring, competent, and mature man. 

4. Charlotte's Web

by E. B. White

from Sonlight's History / Bible / Literature B Package

This heartwarming classic explores the friendship between a little girl, a selfless spider and "the world's greatest pig."

Keep your tissues handy. You will cry.

Pair this book with a trip to your state or county fair. Be sure to tour the animal exhibits!

5. My Father's Dragon

by Ruth Stiles Gannett

from Sonlight's History / Bible / Literature A Package

This story is a tale of fantasy featuring a dragon and other talking creatures. It's a delightful story about a boy who rescues a sweet young dragon from her enemies through the judicious use of the unlikely items he has stored in his knapsack.

This children's story allows you to begin talking with your children about typically difficult topics such as oppression, laziness, compassion and resourcefulness. Literature breaks through the awkwardness and allows us to dig into both the good and bad of life. 

Enjoy open-ended crafts after you read. For example, try this mapping activity.

6. The Story of Dr. Dolittle

by Hugh Lofting

from Sonlight's History / Bible / Literature A Package

Here's another fantasy tale where animals can communicate with humans. Dr. Dolittle sails off to save African monkeys from an epidemic and encounters amazing animals.

As part of an introduction to the world, your children will travel halfway around the world in this book. With a mix of fairy tale experiences and real world animals, this book for children adds joy to your global, cultural studies

7. Mr. Popper's Penguins

by Richard Atwater and Florence Atwater

from Sonlight's History / Bible / Literature B Package

A classic, absolutely impossible tall tale. It will win your child's heart — and maybe yours, too!

Though completely fictitious, this illustrated book for children introduces many historical explorers in the naming of penguins. 

After you read this animal book, visit the penguin enclosure at your closest zoo and imagine caring for a houseful of penguins!

8. The Cricket in Times Square

by George Selden

from Sonlight's History, Bible, Read-Alouds C Package

Chester, a cricket from Connecticut, moves into the Bellinis' Newspaper Stand in New York City.

His escapades at first threaten to ruin the stand, but lead, ultimately, to the stand's greatest success. Fun!

9. Stone Fox

by John Reynolds Gardiner

from Sonlight's History / Bible / Literature D Package

Ten-year-old Willy needs to win the big dog sled race in order to pay the back taxes on his grandfather's farm. But that means he has to beat the huge Indian, Stone Fox, and his incredible dogsled team.

A stunning, heartwarming story set in Wyoming. The author was inspired by a Rocky Mountain legend. Though the characters are fictitious, the dogsled race and its surprising finish supposedly really happened.

10. The Bears on Hemlock Mountain

by Alice Dalgliesh

from Sonlight's History / Bible / Literature D Package

Jonathan goes to get "the biggest pot you ever laid eyes on" — on the other side of Hemlock Mountain.

How he protects himself from the bears is the highlight of this short tall tale!

11. The Great Turkey Walk

by Kathleen Karr

from Sonlight's History / Bible / Literature E Package

"Git along, little . . . turkeys"? Yep! In 1860, a fifteen-year-old boy attempts to herd one thousand turkeys from Missouri to Denver, Colorado, in hopes of selling them at a profit.

In this sure-fire funny-bone tickler, part tall-tale but mostly solid historical yarn, Simon Green proves he's a man and worthy of respect. What fun! This book will make you laugh!

To see more top-notch books and our complete book-based homeschool programs, ask for a complimentary copy of your catalog today.

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7 Reminders to Refresh the Servant-Hearted Homeschool Mom

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7 Reminders to Refresh the Servant-Hearted Homeschool Mom

They say that no one minds being a servant until they’re treated like one.

Homeschooling mothers face this dilemma on a regular basis. We love that we are called to be Christ-like servants to our families, but we don’t love when we are treated like servants by our husband, children, or friends. It’s discouraging to serve day in and day out without any significant recognition, appreciation, or compensation. Not to mention serving is exhausting and contrary to our natural desires.

How can we think well about our role and continue to serve day in and day out? Here are seven truths that strengthen me on a daily basis.

1. Ask God for Grace, Moment by Moment

When God tells us to love Him with our minds, perhaps He is speaking primarily about developing the servant mindset of Christ. God cares about homeschooling moms who desperately need the grace to be Christlike in the daily grind. Make this one of your personal prayer requests and God will surprise you with strength and endurance.

“Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Women who are able to serve people day in and day out need minds of steel, the mind of Christ. God alone can give us this gift. Let us appeal to him for our great need.”

Philippians 2:4-11

2. Be Honest About Your Limitations

My worst days are when I mask my limitations and keep slaving away despite my bad attitude, my need for help, or my exhaustion. When I ignore my human limits, I crash… and I usually tear down my family while I’m at it.

Conversely, my best days are when I’m honest about my need for help, when I train my children to treat me with respect, and when I speak up about my struggles to keep serving.

Here's a glimpse from my personal life. My husband doesn’t know how to help me when I grit my teeth and keep serving with a terrible attitude, but he readily embraces and helps me when I lay my head on his chest and say, “I am so worn out.”

How can you admit and share your limitations with your family?

3. Be a Faithful Steward of Your Body, Mind, and Soul

A woman who is serving other people needs to “make her arms strong” (Proverbs 31). What makes your body, mind, and soul strong? What do you have to do in order to laugh with hope, have strong relationships, and develop the gifts that God has given you?

Even though the needs around you may seem relentless, seek discernment about how you can refresh and refuel yourself so that you can continue to serve your family with strength.

4. Don’t Whine or Complain

God cares about women who have reached the end of their rope. He cares about us when we are irritated and everything’s falling apart. His advice to us in these moments is that we

“Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life…”

Philippians 2:14-16

In our own understanding, whining and complaining feels good, but it’s not good for us. Over the years, I’ve asked the Holy Spirit to help me stop whining and complaining. When I am able to choose not to complain about difficult or unpleasant circumstances, I feel lifted up and sustained by God. A grateful attitude brings life to my family and buoys our homeschool.

Choosing not to complain is always worth the effort!

5. Don’t Expect Applause, Praise, or Payment

Too often, I serve my family as if I’m a waitress: I serve with a smile until I’ve reached my limit and need some appreciation, assistance, and compensation. My demanding irritation, anger, or grumpiness is like a waitress slapping the bill down on the table saying, “Pay up!” This ruins the gift altogether. Let’s ask God for the grace to serve our families for His approval and reward alone.  

6. Use Your Imagination

You may think this one is silly, but it works for me so I’m going to share it. When I’m up at night, serving sick children, I imagine that I’m Mother Theresa, tirelessly tending to “the least of these.” When I’ve had a full day of homeschooling, and my husband needs to talk, I imagine that I’m Olivia Walton.

Thinking about the ways that other women have served inspires me. It helps me to see my family through a more compassionate and courageous lens. How can you use your imagination to inspire your serving?

7. Serve the Lord with Gladness

Nearing her deathbed, Vonette Bright (married to Bill Bright, creator of CRU), summarized the Christian life in one beautiful statement. When asked what life is about Vonette answered, “Serve the Lord with gladness!” This gem is from a woman, looking back on many years of serving her husband and children, giving up comforts, and sacrificing selfish pursuits for the Kingdom of God.

I have taken her words to heart, and they cheer me on as God calls me to serve my family and community on a daily basis. Life is all about serving the Lord with gladness. Homeschooling provides limitless opportunities to do this every day! May God bless you with a vision to serve Him with gladness today.

Refuel Your Homeschool

With great rewards, come great sacrifice... and homeschooling is no different. Boy, some days are tough, and it would be nice to have a reminder of the why behind your choice to homeschool. This guide will help.

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