Keys to Foreign Language Proficiency for the Homeschool Family

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Keys to Foreign Language Proficiency for the Homeschool Family
Katy, age 11 (in the yellow and orange fiesta clothing) poses with her friends at Children's Haven International in Reynosa, Mexico.

"Our yearly family mission trips in Mexico has been enriched by Sonlight in multiple ways. The friendships we have developed over the years are a great incentive to learn Spanish, and through Sonlight we purchased the Rosetta Stone Latin American version. We have been inspired by the mission-minded and culturally sensitive literature, beginning in the preschool curriculum through high school. The 1,800 mile round-trip in a church van always includes Sonlight books. The content of the program prepares us for seeing God's love even in the challenges and suffering from broken families that we encounter while serving the needy children of Mexico."

Amanda F. of North Newton, KS

Adding a foreign language to your homeschool day may be as simple as picking out a curriculum and penciling it into the schedule. Successfully achieving conversational confidence or long-lasting fluency in a foreign language, on the other hand, requires a completely different level of commitment.

We all know people who claim to have taken 2-4 years of high-school classes in French, German, or Spanish, but in adulthood, no longer remember how to say anything other than wastepaper basket and Where is the bank? in the language that they spent so many years studying.

How can we ensure that our homeschool students’ language studies will not meet the same sad fate? Proficiency in a second language can be a daunting task. The reason why so many former language students completely lose the languages they once studied can often be traced back to a lack of internal motivation and connection to the language, combined with a lack of opportunity to use what they have learned. Take these steps as you design a foreign language program for your homeschool, especially if your goal is for your child to truly master a second language.

"We live in China. Our local friends began bringing their children over a few times a week to learn how we homeschool, using Sonlight. We love all the interactive learning Sonlight has, like learning body parts in Science using the song Them Bones. Our friends participated in a Language Arts assignment to make an obstacle course. We practiced all the different verbs in both Chinese and English. The Chinese children have learned to read using Sonlight's K program and can read all the Fun Tales series. It has helped my Chinese friends learn more about how they themselves can teach their children and has helped give my children more confidence in speaking and using the Chinese language!" —Katie R. of Chattanooga, TN

1. Choose the Language with Care

Sure, a random natural interest in a language might be enough reason to choose that language. If your child has always dreamed of studying German, that may be reason enough to choose a German program.

However, language acquisition will be most successful when you choose a language that, because of your own family’s circumstances, strongly inspires internal motivation to learn and offers the most external opportunities to be used in everyday life. 

When considering which language to study, consider your geographic location and family background:

  • What minority languages are most commonly spoken in your community?
  • What languages might your family be called upon to use in future careers or volunteer roles?
  • Consider your family’s heritage: Where does your family originally come from? Do you have relatives who speak a language other than English?

What This Decision Was Like for My Family

We were in a slightly conflicted situation. My husband is a native Spanish speaker and for his extended family, Spanish is the primary language of conversation. However, we live in a country where Spanish is not spoken at all and where educational resources or entertainment in Spanish are non-existent. The wider language of communication where we live is English, but different local communities speak Asian languages—of which, I can speak Mandarin Chinese, but my husband does not. I have a reasonably strong grasp of Spanish, but don’t consider myself fluent in the language.

"After we read The Year of the Baby, we were telling our friends about the book. They came over and taught us some Chinese words and how to make bao zi. It was a fun cultural exchange. Because of Sonlight, we make cultural connections which bring the stories to life!"
—Sarah Z. of Clarkston, GA

In the end, for us, the familial connection trumped the linguistic circumstances of our location, and we opted to prioritize Spanish as our family language alongside English. I am remaining open to adding Mandarin Chinese into our classes when we are further into the formal school years. But for now, the right choice for our family is focusing on the languages of our son’s heritage: English and Spanish.

2. Don’t Limit Language Learning to School Hours

You may have seen some programs which tout that you can learn a language in 15 minutes a day. In my own experience of language learning, results are always correlated to the time invested. Choose a language curriculum that works for your family, but don’t stop your language learning once you’ve checked that box in each day’s schedule.

To maximize learning, you’ll need to be proactive in finding ways to increase exposure to and use of the language:

  • You might opt to volunteer as a family in a community where the language is spoken.
  • You can find audio and visual entertainment options that exist in your target language, whether they are movies, television shows, songs, audio books, or podcasts, and incorporate those into your family’s entertainment time.

Strive to use the target language together as a family outside of school hours.

What This Looks Like for My Family

We tend to naturally speak in Spanish at various times of day. We’ve chosen that most of our children’s picture book collection be composed of Spanish books, which helps me, the non-native speaker, because reading to my son in Spanish is very easy for me. My husband plays his favorite Spanish-speaking musical artists daily, and my son listens in on Spanish language conversations between his dad and his abuelos on a regular basis.

"Living in China, we have tried several ways for our children to learn the language. Rosetta Stone has proven to help them with pronunciation, sentence structure, and grammar at an easy, kid-friendly pace, giving them confidence when speaking and playing with Chinese neighbors." — Katie R. of Chattanooga, TN

3. Expect to Invest Time and Money

Proficiency in a second language typically requires a significant investment of both time and money. I would not recommend trying to learn a language solely through free resources. While it may be possible if you are learning a popular language and are very dedicated to seeking out free resources—do not underestimate the value of high-quality, thorough curriculum and experienced teachers.

Free apps are fun and useful, but the reason that I am a confident speaker of Mandarin Chinese is because I took four years of college classes in the language and then spent five years living in Asia and speaking the language regularly. It’s not because of playing Duolingo for free and listening to free podcasts (though I’ve done both).

Is the investment worth it? I would say it is absolutely worthwhile.

There is almost no better way to show love and value and respect for another person than by learning to speak the language of their heart. There is also almost no better way to learn humility than to attempt to begin conversing with a native speaker in a second language.

What This Investment is Like for My Family

Because my family doesn’t have access to public libraries with books in Spanish, we have invested money in building our own collection. We invest time each day into actively speaking Spanish as a family. In the future, as our son reaches school age, we plan to invest in Spanish grammar curriculum to use alongside our English language arts curriculum so that he can learn the rules for both. Because we chose a language that both parents understand, we don’t foresee needing to hire a native language teacher, but such a cost will be a worthwhile investment for many families.

Deciding that you want your homeschooled student to become multilingual is not an easy step, and not one that’s likely to be accomplished either for free or without significant planning and life changes on the part of homeschool parents. But proficiency in a foreign language will benefit them throughout their lives. Moreover, it is one more way they can serve, love, and respect others the way Christ has called us to do. Sonlight offers Rosetta Stone language curriculum as an amazing first step into the deep and thrilling waters of language acquisition.

At Sonlight, we  strongly recommend that students learn a foreign language beginning by sixth grade at least. Choose from Rosetta Stone in 24 different languages!

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How to Create a Family Anthology of Your Child’s Creative Writing

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How to Create a Family Anthology of Your Child’s Creations

I’ve been looking for a way to make the most of the stories, poems, jokes, and plays that my children write as part of their Sonlight Language Arts curriculum. We’ve always added them to homeschooling portfolios and stored them in the basement where they patiently await rediscovery years from now.

It’s sad, I know, but I didn’t know what else to do. 

Until now.

I have finally discovered a way to keep those precious works alive, appreciated, and a part of our family culture! I’m thrilled about it and can’t wait to share the idea with you.

How to Create a Family Anthology of Your Child’s Creations • A story illustrated by photos of a doll in the snow

Why Keep a Family Treasury?

The goal of this family treasury project is to keep my children’s creative writing accessible so that we can read and reread it over the years.

  • I want my pre-reader to see his dictated story in the mix of our family compositions.
  • I want my second grader to see that the time and care he invested in his illustrated story has a life of its own.
  • I want grandparents, siblings, and friends to read the works, too. 
  • I want my fifth grader to hear the family chuckling over the jokes she illustrated.
  • And I want all of my children reading, enjoying, and learning from each other’s work over the years. 

It has taken me ten years, but I have finally discovered a way of keeping those stories, poems, illustrations, jokes, and plays together in one place and easily accessible for reading.

Treasuring Creative Writing with a Family Anthology

We have started a family anthology titled, The Family Treasury. It’s a three-ring binder with pocket-folder dividers for storing the stapled booklets or other works that can’t be hole-punched. It’s not fancy, but it does the job!

How to Create a Family Anthology of Your Child’s Creations • Story about a mouse named Chappy.

We’ll keep adding the original creative works that my children and I would like to include from their Sonlight Language Arts lessons. Simple, right? Needless to say, I am thrilled with this discovery. 

Here are a few ideas to build your own family anthology of creative writing from your homeschool language arts lessons.

1. Write the Title with Your Child

Take a look at the titles of anthologies and story collections that you enjoy together.  This will give you some ideas for how to title your family anthology!

2. Photocopy Originals 

If your child wants to keep the original piece in his or her personal annual portfolio, simply print a second copy or photocopy the piece for the anthology.

3. Use Page Protectors and Pocket Dividers 

When my children are young, they tend to create stories in booklet form. I’ll tuck these in folder dividers, which are useful for keeping the three-hole-punched stories separated, too. Page protectors are helpful for one-sided illustrations or poems. 

How to Create a Family Anthology of Your Child’s Creations • Audrey has a kitty cat story

4. Make It Sustainable

Don’t make this too complicated for yourself. Create something that you can update easily and that can be pulled off the shelf and enjoyed regularly.

I knew if I made a book with funky binding or requiring time and energy every time I wanted to add something, I wouldn’t keep up with it. So a simple three-ring binder works for me. I’ll keep this on a shelf in our living room so that we can read it often. I encourage you to find a system that will work over time. Remember the goal is to read and enjoy your family’s creativity often over the years!

Anticipating a Treasure-in-the-Making

We’ll add to our family anthology over time. If we out-grow our current three-ring binder, I will probably create a second or third volume instead of upgrading to an unwieldy, thicker three-ring binder.  Some day, when my children are grown, I hope to copy and bind the family anthology as a keepsake for each person in our family. Won’t that be a treasure?

Get a head-start on your family anthology with Sonlight's Memory Book.

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7 Solutions When a Rocky Start Threatens Your Homeschool Year

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7 Solutions When a Rocky Start Threatens Your Homeschool Year

Starting a new homeschool year is so exciting! Just the thought of sharpened pencils that still have their erasers, fresh notebooks, and newly cracked books set my heart racing.

Yes, I’m totally that mom.

I’m also the mom who knows from experience that no matter how new my curriculum is or how sparkly my markers are, there is bound to be some struggle a few weeks into the school year.

The transition from summer to fall is tough even for those of us who homeschool year round. As the days get cooler and we spend more and more time inside together during the fall, a few hiccups and occasional train-wrecks are nigh unavoidable.  

So how can you save the homeschool year when your first quarter has a rocky start?

Well, it’s not easy, friend, but it’s doable. Here are seven tips to help you stay on course when your homeschool year has a rocky start. 

1. Make Peace with Imperfection

As much as we might like to have a group of cooperative, eager-to-learn kids every single morning, the reality is often different. Starting a new routine or grade level may exacerbate this reality.

Total truth? Some mornings, Mom isn’t all that shiny and happy to be at the morning table either. We can’t always control how we feel, but we can acknowledge it, accept it, and move forward anyway. 

2. Encourage Positive Habits

When we are rested, fed, and safe, we are more apt to enjoy learning. We can help our kids adjust to a new schedule by ensuring every day has room for

We can also adjust our expectations for days that are plagued by sickness or that follow an emotionally intense or busy day.

3. Allow an Adjustment Period

Before throwing the new curriculum in the trash or putting your child back on the bus after an intense argument, give yourself and your kids a chance to adjust. Anything new—good or bad—takes practice and exposure before it’s comfortable.

True confession? We almost didn’t do Sonlight Science after a ping pong ball in the toilet incident. How can I trust kids with clay and citric acid if they are having trouble controlling themselves around a ping pong ball? Well, we start with the ping pong ball and other safe materials as we all adjust to the organized chaos that is experiments with four young kids.

Giving up after a couple of rough days would have been a mistake. I’m so grateful we didn’t miss out on Sonlight Science which is now one of our favorite subjects!

4. Be Open

If you’re having a rough time getting started and things aren’t clicking, it’s okay to admit that things aren’t going as well as you hoped. When your kids are struggling you might even say to them, “We just haven't found our groove yet.”

Yet is huge! It lets them know you aren’t giving up and that it will happen eventually. 

5. Expect Bad Days

Bad days are as given as gravity. Remind yourself and your kids that bad days are going to happen—even when everything is planned ahead, the curriculum is the best on the market, and everyone is wearing new clothes. Especially when everyone is wearing new clothes. I joke, but you get the point.

No matter how much we prepare and perfectly arrange our homeschool, life has twists and turns we can't anticipate. You'll at times get behind on your homeschool schedule. Facing setbacks with perseverance, grit, and faith goes a long way to defining and strengthening us as a homeschool family.

6. Remain Humble

Homeschool is challenging. When things go right, mind your manners and send a prayer of thanks, because when they go wrong we are quickly reminded how much we need Him in our lives.

Even in the roughest patches there is always something for which to be grateful. Hold onto it, treasure it, and thank God for it! None of us have all of the answers all of the time. If you are in a rough season it’s okay to ask for help from family, friends, church, or other support groups. 

7. Homeschooling Doesn't Define You

Remember that a rough spot at the start of your homeschool year does not need to define your entire year, nor does it define you or your kids. You are so much more than just a homeschool mom! You are an amazing person who has chosen to give so much of themselves for the betterment of your family.

Sure, homeschooling is part of your life, but it’s not your whole life. Be sure to keep this slice of time in perspective and not let it overwhelm. 

  • Take a breath.
  • Read a book.
  • Go for a walk. 
  • Engage in your hobby.
  • Talk about something (anything) else with your husband. 
  • Send up prayers and gratitude. 
  • Hug your kids. 
  • Call a friend. 

Make sure to count all those little successes that will add up over time and just keep homeschooling! You can do this! 

Choosing the right curriculum makes all the difference for your school year. If your homeschool needs a makeover, consider Sonlight.

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Treasuring Sibling Conflict: The DNA of Vital Homeschool Lessons

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Treasuring Sibling Conflict: The DNA of Vital Homeschool Lessons

It is not that an amount of social interaction should be permitted up until the point that it distracts from academic work. It is more that academic work should be permitted up until the point that it distracts from social interaction.  

How often did you hear, “You have not come here to socialise!” at school? Other people were considered a hindrance to proper school-work. Peers certainly were, let alone younger children. We cannot, however, ask a child to ignore his friends for the sake of abstracted knowledge, not just because abstracted knowledge is unduly arduous but because knowledge, abstracted from other people, is actually bad.  

Knowledge Puffs Up; Love Builds Up 

Knowledge puffs up, you could say, if it is not in service of others. Even in preparation for future service, lonely knowledge is prideful and inert. In fact, relationship is your curriculum’s most costly resource. 

My six-year-old daughter broke a pencil, shading the forests of South America for Science B, and despairingly threw the broken pencil at her four-year-old brother. 

“You do it,”she barked. He paused to look at the abandoned pencil. I waited with a sinking heart. 

“Okay,” he said, and took up the pencil. She was surprised and disarmed by his response. He had absorbed the fiery advance and made peace. He scribbled with the broken pencil, and she was drawn in once more to gently (but imperiously) improve his grip.

Once the map was completed, they threw it to their two-year-old brother who ripped it to shreds delightedly, to their applause.  

I was angry about the whole ordeal. They missed the point of the lesson, only to get caught up in a childish clash. Or maybe there is more to it than that. The six-year-old wrote a quote from Sticks Across the Chimney (from History / Bible / Literature C) in her Discovery Journal that afternoon. 

"Good begets good.” 

Good Begets Good

Whether it was a reflection on her brother’s unwillingness to reciprocate her angry outburst, or on her failure to forestall a vicious cycle, or whether it was connected at all, I don’t know. But it made me rethink the result of the lesson, and what the lesson was.  

Her four-year-old brother surely saw how frustrated she was with the broken pencil, but took it as an opportunity to help her. He finished the task that her temper had rendered too difficult. He was able to show a glimmer of Joseph’s grace-powered announcement that, “You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.” Together, they were able to make a straight line with a crooked pencil.  

If the lesson I was interested in having was, in the final analysis, the geography lesson, I had failed, and so had the students. If the lesson, on the final analysis, is moral and spiritual, then I can release control.

The DNA of a Homeschool Lesson

Not only should the geography lesson be preparation for future loving service of God, but it must be in the very DNA of the lesson. They will forget the majority of the geography lesson, but it is that DNA which will form the basis of tenfold future lessons. That DNA, of relinquishment of self and seeking after God, is the lesson that lasts.  

Next time you mark it as a failure when your six-year-old throws a broken pencil or your twelve-year-old storms out of the classroom, consider the DNA of your lesson.

Is the DNA the teacher and her information, or is it God and His work in your children? If so, then your failures are not failures. God never fails. In His upside down kingdom, it is

  • the exasperated child who is wise
  • the disabled sibling who is strong
  • the whining two-year-old who teaches
  • the angry ten-year-old who makes peace
  • the distracted four-year-old who breaks through
  • the tired parent who creates

That is the DNA of a godly lesson in a homeschool family. That is the death of the self. 

Permit academic work up until it hinders social interaction. That doesn’t mean limiting the number of geography lessons, but it does mean limiting a sense of control. I can control a lesson plan, but I can’t control a child’s heart. If love is greater than knowledge, then the DNA of your geography lesson is other people. It is learning to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

If our children fill their heads with geography, trampling and ignoring others as they do so, this may become irreparable DNA damage, making geography, I believe, harder and harder to retain.  

I treasure sibling conflict for the same reason I treasure whines and distraction and exhaustion: Weak people need a strong God. It is when we are at our most unlovely that Christ is supremely treasured. Let Him be the DNA of your lesson.  

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5 Ways to a Simplified Homeschool Environment

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Do you find yourself frustrated with all the homeschool stuff cluttering your home? Do you feel like you are constantly rearranging and organizing? Do you wish you could downsize and rid yourself of the overabundant, ever-growing stockpile of school supplies and materials?

Me, too! But there is hope!

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5 One-Liners That Transform the Way I Homeschool

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a mom reading outdoors with three children who are smiling as the moom reads the book.

As I go through my days, homeschooling six children and serving the Lord in a variety of ways at home, at church, and in the community, I am regularly blessed by a handful of one-liners that invigorate me and help me to do the right thing with the right attitude. These five phrases come to my mind, and shape my life, on an almost daily basis.

“Just Do It”

Whenever I long to connect with my children, to read more books, to play more games, and to be more affectionate, I remember the phrase made famous by Nike, “Just do it”. Instead of grabbing the calendar to schedule a time or revamping our homeschool day or, worse, despairing over my failure to do these things, I just do the thing I’m longing to do. 

Cindy Rollins writes about this in her lovely memoir Mere Motherhood: Morning Times, Nursery Rhymes, & My Journey Toward Sanctification:

So often mothers worry about what they are not doing. I hear these things all the time… To these moms, I say, “get up right now and do THAT thing.” Today, now, put down this book and have your child immediately write a narration or have your devotions or take a walk.

This tidbit of advice transforms my ideals, theories, hopes, and dreams into realities. Grab this little phrase for yourself. I can’t recommend it enough.

“I’ve Changed My Mind”

Years ago, I was feeling stuck by one of my decisions for our homeschool.

Things weren’t working for my child, but I didn’t want to second-guess myself, cave into my child’s complaints, or appear uncommitted. My friend, Renee, comforted me with the truth that I could change my mind. She reminded me that only God is perfect and unchanging; humans have limited understanding and are learning new insights all of the time.  

Parenting became less burdensome when I realized that it's okay to reassess and modify my decisions. On a regular basis, I need to tell my children that I’ve changed my mind. It is humbling, but it also demonstrates that I am learning and adapting as I go.

You can change your mind, too, you know.

When you need to adjust a rule, a schedule, or a decision because circumstances have changed or you have learned a new insight, go ahead and change. Your child will respect your honesty, humanity, and flexibility.

“They’ll Remember How You Made Them Feel”

Instead of prioritizing lessons, field trips, experiences, and educational resources in our homeschool, I’m learning to prioritize the atmosphere, my attitude, and my affection toward my family. More than any historical fact, spelling word, or math concept, my children will remember how I made them feel from day to day.

  • Did I communicate God’s love for them?
  • Did I communicate my love for them? 

Becoming a nurturing mother is one reason why I’m keeping a close eye on my stress level and my outside commitments. It’s one of the reasons why I’m prioritizing time with God, exercise, and a healthy diet. It’s also one of the reasons why I read uplifting books and listen to encouraging podcasts about parenting. It’s also a big theme in my closest friendships.

These things strengthen me to be pleasant, present, and self-controlled. When my children reflect on their childhood, I want them to remember feeling loved.

“I Am the Gardener”

Sometimes my children’s neediness, whining, crying, sibling rivalry, clutter, and chaos feel like an onslaught. As I move from one child’s need to another—giving, accommodating, consoling, helping, and serving—I feel like a terrible version of Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree. I feel more like the depleted tree. In fact, by the end of the day, I often feel like a mere stump of myself whose fruit, branches, trunk and all have been beaten out of me. Needless to say, this grim outlook has made me sulk once or twice. Until recently.

When I prayed about my burden, I realized that I am not "the depleted tree." I am not a victim of my children’s needs and demands.

Instead, I am the gardener; I am the one with agency, calling, vision, and responsibility. I am the one who is teaching, training, and nurturing my children so that when they demand something, I get to decide the best way to address their needs. When they cry, fight, or make messes, I get to consider the best direction for their lives and act accordingly. By reminding myself “I am the gardener” of my precious children’s souls, I move from feeling like a martyr to feeling like a maker. I move from resentment to rest. This shift in perspective is bringing forth fruit in my home.

Do you ever feel like "the depleted tree"? Try this shift in perspective! Today, remind yourself, “I am the gardener” and see if it helps you to take a proactive step in loving and serving your child with a cheerful heart.

“Serve the Lord with Gladness”

Vonette Bright worked alongside her husband, Bill Bright, as he began Campus Crusade for Christ (now called CRU on college campuses). When she was on her deathbed, she reflected on her life—one of joy and sorrow.

She had raised children, supported Bill in his ministry work, endured Bill’s death, and had suffered through her own sickness. At the end of her life, she was asked, “What’s life all about?” Without hesitation Vonette replied with a phrase from Psalm 100:2, “Serve the Lord with gladness.

Her response echoes in my mind as I work to love my husband, raise our children, build the Church, and reach out to our community. The encouragement to “serve the Lord with gladness” casts a beautiful light on all of my tasks—from the menial to the enjoyable. It makes my work meaningful, and it lifts my eyes to a loving Heavenly Father who cares about me.

What’s your life all about? What will all of your homeschooling moments amount to? Wouldn’t it be lovely, profoundly lovely, if your life—homeschool included—amounted to a happy gift unto the Lord?

I bless you today with this life-shaping one-liner: “Serve the Lord with gladness.” Add it to your daily self-talk. Preach it to yourself, sing it, pray it, whisper it. I am confident that living this one phrase will make all of the difference in the world.

Why are you homeschooling? Refuel your homeschool and keep your motivation at the forefront with our FREE guide.

Refuel Your Homeschool
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12 Missionary Biographies to Grow Your Children's Faith

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12 Missionary Biographies to Grow Your Children's Faith

With God, all things are possible! Stories of God's faithfulness on the mission field and the sacrifice of His missionaries will do more to grow your children's faith in God than a dozen lectures! Use these enjoyable missionary stories as family Read-Alouds for maximum spiritual benefit.

Because Christian missions is at the core of Sonlight, every History / Bible / Literature curriculum package includes at least one missionary biography. If you don't use Sonlight (yet) or aren't a homeschooler at all, be sure to read these twelve books to your children and add them to your home library. The discussions they inspire give you a chance to impart your faith to your children in a natural way. You will be changed, too, by these inspiring accounts.

Let's travel every continent of the globe by way of the stories of these exemplary Christian missionaries!

1. God's Adventurer: Hudson Taylor

by Phyllis Thompson

from Sonlight's History / Bible / Literature F Package

Hudson Taylor was only 21 when he sailed from England. He had already learned he could trust God with the last coin in his pocket; he would need that faith as he set out to evangelize the Chinese.

This missionary biography is a thrilling true story of daring, danger, and dependence on God in China.

2. The Good News Must Go Out

by Rebecca Davis

from Sonlight's History / Bible / Literature A Package

Mama Laird served as a missionary in the Central African Republic for decades and saw great waves of people turning to God.

One dear follower was beaten by drunks until he almost died, but 300 or so people came to his house of death and followed Jesus. Finally one day, no one came. Then he said, "God, let me get up or die."

This is marvelous missionary story that will challenge your faith in the best of ways.

3. Return of the White Book

by Rebecca Davis

from Sonlight's History / Bible / Literature A Package

God prepared the way for the Karen people of Burma to come to know him.

When George Boardman and Adoniram Judson arrived, the Burmese were not terribly interested, but the Karen were desperately ready.

This missionary biography is an incredible story of God at work.

4. And the Word Came with Power

by Joanne Shetler

from Sonlight's History / Bible / Literature C Package

This missionary tale is the moving story of how God's word transformed an entire people--as well as the woman whom He had sent to translate the Scriptures for them.

This story of one woman's life of fervent prayer in the Philippines will inspire you and your children to greater faith.

5. Bruchko

by Bruce Olson

from Sonlight's History / Bible / Literature F Package

This missionary biography tells the true story of Bruce Olson who, at 19 years of age, leaves his home in Minnesota to reach the Motilone Indians, a murderous tribe in the jungles of Colombia.

Captured by the people with whom he wants to share the Gospel, Olson proves God's strength is made perfect in weakness.

This one is thought provoking and challenging!

6. George Muller

by Janet & Geoff Benge

from Sonlight's History / Bible / Literature B Package

One the greatest ways to boost our faith is by seeing how God has been faithful in the past. We may tell children that God answers prayer, but when they experience George Muller praying for bread for an entire orphanage, they can feel the weight of need. When they catch their breath as he gets news of a miraculously broken down bread cart just outside his door at breakfast time, they will never forget this truth.

In this gripping true story, you and your children will come face to face with Muller's massive faith and generosity. With scarcely enough money for his own family, George Muller sponsored a "Breakfast Club" for orphans that eventually filled five large houses and cared for 10,000 children.

This book is life changing.

7. Gladys Aylward

by Janet & Geoff Benge

from Sonlight's History / Bible / Literature C Package

This classic missionary biography recounts the work of Gladys Aylward, an uneducated British housemaid who went to China via Russia in the midst of the Soviet-Chinese war in the early 20th century.

Her bravery will inspire your children to do great things for God and trust him at all times. As a bonus, you get a glimpse of the customs and culture of China during that period.

8. With Two Hands

by Rebecca Davis

from Sonlight's History / Bible / Literature C Package

This missionary biography takes you to Ethiopia where you get eighteen glorious chapters of God at work:

  • Witch doctors are transformed.
  • The single person who could translate ends up in just the right place.
  • Two girls pray daily for transformation for many years and finally transformation happens.

It's marvelous.

9. In Search of the Source

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It's dramatic and exciting: people escape a burning house, see dreams and visions, and try to convert kidnappers.

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11. Mary Slessor: Forward into Calabar

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from Sonlight's History / Bible / Literature F Package

As a cotton mill worker, Mary Slessor longs to be used by God in a mighty way. Her prayer is answered when she becomes a pioneer missionary in Africa.

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Ida realized she could make a difference, and so she went to medical school to use her gifts for the Lord in India. She served in India for decades, helping the lepers, founding a teaching hospital, and serving the people.

Biographies of missionaries demonstrate clearly how God is active in the lives of His followers. These books will increase your faith and challenge you and your children to rest in God's provision.

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