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The Top Summer Reading List For Middle Schoolers Jun. 4, 2024
Tag Archives: discussion
Feb. 4, 2019
The 3 Things You Need for Teaching Critical Thinking
If you have a baby and would like her to learn to speak English as she grows, what would you do? Would you go out and buy a vocabulary curriculum for her, start it at 6 months old, and trust … Continue reading
Nov. 26, 2018
4 Ways to Use the Simple Tool of Talking in Your Homeschool
Do your kids talk a lot? Mine too! On more than one occasion I have prayed for an off button. I have one who can go on endlessly about Greek mythology and another who could set fire to my ears … Continue reading
Jun. 26, 2018
Why Sonlight Uses Books That Some Homeschoolers Won't Touch
Our editorial team has very high standards for every book and product we carry. There is no item in our curriculum that has not been carefully and very thoughtfully selected. Even a book that you find distasteful, we have included … Continue reading
Jun. 26, 2018
"Dear Sarita, Why did you choose that book?"
I've received a lot of feedback in 28 years. I treasure the stacks of letters from Sonlight parents who love the books I choose. But occasionally, I get letters that criticize—or even express great disappointment—in the titles I so carefully … Continue reading
Dec. 6, 2017
Using Books to Spark Difficult Discussions About Hard Topics
“Do we really need to tell a Kindergartener about Hitler?” I wondered when I saw Twenty and Ten by Claire Huchet Bishop in our collection of Kindergarten Read-Alouds. The same day I opened that box from Sonlight and wondered about … Continue reading
Tagged discussion, hard topics, reading
Feb. 8, 2017
Homeschooling at its Best is Education, Not Indoctrination
With homeschooling, you have the daily opportunity to teach your values and pass on your beliefs to your children. There is, of course, no guarantee that your children will choose to agree with you at the end of the day. … Continue reading
Tagged children, discussion, faith, ideas, truth
Nov. 18, 2015
Your Presence: A Gift to Your Children that Lasts a Lifetime
I think a lot about what I want to do for my kids to help them succeed in life. Just recently I was combatting the “I’m not doing enough” feeling and a simple Pinterest browse sent me reeling. As I … Continue reading
Tagged character, children, discussion, Encouragement, family, parenting, priorities
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