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Category Archives: Encouragement
Jan. 25, 2017
Physical Movement: Another Reason to Homeschool
If you went to classroom school, could you go back and sit still at a desk through those hours of classes now—with minimal physical movement? As an adult, Angela Hanscom wondered this about herself. So she went to middle school … Continue reading
Tagged benefits, homeschool, school
Jan. 20, 2017
Sleep: A Surprising Reason to Homeschool
By itself, the promise of getting enough sleep is probably not a big enough benefit to convince you to start homeschooling. But once you begin homeschooling, and your children get enough sleep, you will wonder how you survived before. The … Continue reading
Tagged benefits, children, health, Homeschooling, learning, reasons to homeschool, sleep, teens
Jan. 18, 2017
One Easy Way Homeschool Moms Can Model Lifelong Learning
You model lifelong learning through your words and actions. Your attitude helps shape your children’s feelings about education. If you are excited to learn about this fascinating world, your kids will notice that. You probably love it when your children … Continue reading
Jan. 17, 2017
10 Ways to Rediscover Your Homeschool Joy
If you are hitting a wall in your homeschool today, this post is a virtual hug of encouragement to help you rediscover your homeschool joy. Although it's a list of suggestions, please don't hear them as another list of tasks to … Continue reading
Tagged burnout, Encouragement, homeschool
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May. 20, 2016
Zooming out and in: Global-minded homeschooling
I’ve always loved maps -- the delicate wandering lines, the stars and circles hovering over city centers, the softly-worn paper folds creating ridges and peaks where the creases bisect latitude and longitude. Even the mysterious names themselves have a cadence, … Continue reading
Feb. 3, 2016
The Voice Bringing Tales to Life
Ask anyone who has parented long enough to see their child's shoe size dwarf their own: things change as the years go by. It's true across the board. The favorite t-shirt you had to pry from your son's body to … Continue reading
Tagged change, high school, read-alouds, relationships
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Aug. 18, 2015
What you really need for your homeschool year
A new school year is brimming with possibilities. There's something soul-stirring about fresh starts and new beginnings. I get excited about gathering the best of the best for my kids in order to plan a fabulous school year. I know … Continue reading