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Tag Archives: God
Dec. 5, 2018
Does Beauty Even Matter in Homeschooling? (Yes! Here's Why)
As home educators, we shoulder the responsibility of ensuring our children learn to read, calculate figures and sums, and transcribe thoughts to paper. In the pursuit of these essential three Rs—reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic—where do truth and beauty fit in? … Continue reading
Tagged beauty, books, christian, family culture, God, Homeschooling, Sonlight
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Mar. 8, 2017
Why Educate? A Christian Response
In Sonlight B’s Understood Betsy, Elizabeth Ann has an epiphany: never before had she known what she was doing in school. She had always thought she was there to pass from one grade to another, and she was ever so … Continue reading
Mar. 18, 2014
There is something really special about a well-written missionary biography. The story, amazing. The struggles, breathtaking. The triumph of the Lord, it just makes you want to lift your hands and shout, "Glory!" Here are a couple of missionaries that … Continue reading
Tagged biographies, faith, God, history, missionaries
Mar. 19, 2013
For God So Loved
My husband Dave and I had a very hard conversation last night. We covered a myriad of topics ranging from politics, to missions, to cultural differences, to challenges facing the church. This just stirred up what I feel God is … Continue reading
Tagged God, Gospel, love, missions
Oct. 12, 2012
Grateful for His Provision
Smoke snaked through the air from behind the dishwasher. A moment before an audible "pop" had reverberated through the house. It smelled like burnt plastic and boiling gutter water. Turns out the power cable to our dishwasher had arced, taking … Continue reading
Tagged blessing, God, home, money
Feb. 14, 2012
Loving God with Your Mind
Today is Valentine's Day, but I'm not going to blog about St. Valentine or the modern holiday named after him (you can Google that easily if you want). I'm also not going to blog about the element Lawrencium, first synthesized … Continue reading
Tagged Christianity, curriculum, God, intellect, love, mind, reason, truth
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