Category Archives: News

Winners of the 2020 Sonlight Catalog Cover Contest

Thank you to all of the families who shared #sonlightstories for the 2020 catalog cover contest! And congratulations to the three winners featured below! Continue reading

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Introducing Sonlight's New Kindergarten Science Program: Ecosystems, Meteorology, Physics and Engineering Design

NEW FOR 2020Sonlight's Kindergarten Science Program: Ecosystems, Meteorology, Physics and Engineering Design AVAILABLE APRIL 1, 2020 SEE THE PROGRAM We're excited to introduce Sonlight's NEW Kindergarten Science: Ecosystems, Meteorology, Physics and Engineering Design. With this new STEM-based science program, your … Continue reading

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Introducing Sonlight's New Kindergarten Program: Exploring American History

NEW FOR 2020Sonlight's Kindergarten Program: Exploring American History For years the Sonlight team has thought about a kindergarten American history program for ages 5-6. But we couldn't find a quality textbook or spine (a book that runs through the entire program … Continue reading

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Winners of the 2019 Sonlight Catalog Cover Contest

One of the things that we love about our catalog is that we get to feature real photos—and stories—of our customers. Thank you to all of the families who shared #sonlightstories for the 2019 catalog cover contest! And congratulations to the three winners … Continue reading

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The Children of India

India has over 400 million people who have never heard of Jesus. The lostness is staggering, yet God is at work in India! Continue reading

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Experience India and Give Your Kids the Same Advantage Mine Have

My children have an advantage. I don’t mind telling you what it is. My children have experienced life in a culture devoted to the worship of false gods. They have watched families with dirty, barefoot, sunken-eyed children crowd around a … Continue reading

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Sonlight's 2018 Photo Contest Winners

At Sonlight, we love featuring real photos and stories from Sonlight families on the website, in our catalog, and on social media.  Your homeschool moments are truly inspiring to the staff here at Sonlight as well as to the entire … Continue reading

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