Tag Archives: freedom

I Came Back to Sonlight Because I Love My Freedom

As we approached the end of our homeschool year, I did what all homeschooling moms do—I considered which curriculum to select for the next school year. In my household the end of the school year is a time of reflection to evaluate what is … Continue reading

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Homeschooling Gives Us Freedom to Celebrate Each Child's Success

I have five sons. Their brains work in wildly different ways. I have one son who learned to read overnight when he was barely five. At Bible study that week, we took turns reading a verse aloud, and the study … Continue reading

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Freedom to Dream of an Intentional Family Culture

What do you want your family culture to look like? If you took out a giant sheet of paper to brainstorm how you want your family to engage with each other and the world, what would you write? What would … Continue reading

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My name is Judy ... and I'm a box-checker

Yesterday Amy posted about our new 4-day schedule, and all the reasons, details, and logistics that go along with this release. I'm a schedule lover, so I was excited when we started talking about the feasibility of creating a 4-day … Continue reading

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Sometimes a business will offer a very nice guarantee. We at Sonlight have tried to take all the fear out of homeschooling with us by giving you a fantastic guarantee. But something we can't guarantee is the end result: where … Continue reading

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Personal "Liberation" as Seen by History

I was basically ignorant of Kate Millett until I read her sister's account of the impacts of Kate's ideas and problems. Ken Chapman I've had a few of "my kids" take Women's Studies classes. If I recall their tales correctly, … Continue reading

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