Category Archives: Planning, Organizing, and Scheduling

Stories from New Homeschoolers: How to Juggle Working & Teaching

In the Sonlight Connections group (membership for anyone with a free account on and the Sonlight Newbies group (membership offered to qualified new Sonlighters), we asked brand new, unexpected homeschoolers how they are juggling working with teaching their children at home. Bottom line … Continue reading

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Mapping a Sonlight Education Year by Year

It’s time for some brutal honesty here...Chances are, you aren’t going to be able to do every single Sonlight level. I know! It’s a real bummer. They all look so good, and trust me, we haven’t found a lemon in … Continue reading

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7 Keys to a Smoother Homeschool Day

For many homeschool parents, half of the struggle is finding the time to do everything: reading and spelling and changing the baby and cooking meals... The list is endless. Especially when young children are involved, disruptions are common and can … Continue reading

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Six Ways to Schedule Your Homeschool Year to Fit Your Family

One of the many perks of this lifestyle of learning we call homeschooling is the ability to set your own schedule. Even if you are required by your state to fulfill a certain number of school days each year, you still … Continue reading

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How Taper Scheduling Increases Your Child’s Confidence

Taper scheduling is for students with a lingering problem subject for families who feel like we’re stuck in a rut for homeschool parents who have snapped at a child recently, after explaining the same thing for the umpteenth time If you’re … Continue reading

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17 Scheduling Tips for Homeschooling the Very Large Family

A few years ago, in part due to foster care and health issues among family members, we had eleven children under age twelve at our house every day for close to a year. Growing from four children to eleven almost … Continue reading

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Ingenious Ways to Keep Younger Children Busy While Homeschooling

Anyone who has toddlers and preschoolers at home knows that homeschooling is a challenge with little ones underfoot. Most preschoolers don’t have the patience to wait a few minutes while you work on a math problem with your 12-year-old or … Continue reading

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