Category Archives: Planning, Organizing, and Scheduling

Way Behind in Homeschool? Tips, Resources & More to Catch Up Fast

Every once in a while we have one of those years where we fall behind schedule in homeschool. Just kidding! We fall behind schedule at least a few times every year. Usually, I get a head start by beginning school … Continue reading

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One Sonlight HBL with Multiple Kids: Sharing the Readers

Combining multiple children into the same History / Bible / Literature (HBL) level can be a major time, money, and brain saver for a homeschool parent, but there are a few logistics to figure out. One is how to handle … Continue reading

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How to Create a Homeschool High School Plan for Your Student

How Do Homeschoolers Plan for High School? Are you a homeschool planner or a panster who flies by the seat of your pants? No matter where you fall on the planning spectrum, homeschooling your high schooler requires intentional preparation. The … Continue reading

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Searching for the Unicorn Curriculum: Avoid My Newbie Mistakes

I’m a COVID homeschooler who has been wrestling with the decision to continue homeschooling next year or send my kids to public school. After a lot of prayer and discussion, my husband and I have decided to continue the adventure … Continue reading

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6 Tips for Adding a Daily Quiet Time to Your Homeschool Routine

Having a daily quiet time has become an essential part of our busy homeschool day. I love being with my kids, which is one of the reasons we started homeschooling, but we have all benefited from a daily quiet time … Continue reading

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How to Make Your Sonlight Instructor’s Guide Flex for Your Family

I could write a love letter to my Sonlight Instructor’s Guide. It’s a treasure trove of thoughtful material, helpful schedules, great discussion questions, and insightful notes. I’ve used Sonlight for over nine years and my kids adore reading and learning. … Continue reading

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Strategic Homeschool Scheduling to Make Your Day Easier

Scheduling is one of the most challenging tasks when you first begin homeschooling. Of course, it’s still one of the most challenging tasks as a veteran homeschooler. I’m not sure if this is true of every family, but our homeschool … Continue reading

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