Why Muslims? Why Frontiers? Why Off-Road Encounters?

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What do Muslims think of Jesus? The welcome packet for Off-Road Encounters says: "Muslims know Jesus as a man born of a virgin, with a pure heart who lived a life without sin, a prophet of God, the living word of God, a performer of miracles. Muslims know Jesus as a man of many things, but they don't know him as God."

I rejoice that we're helping to change this!

Many Muslims are thirsty to hear the truth about the Jesus whom they respect, but do not know as God. In fact, Jesus is revealing Himself to many Muslims today through visions and dreams. He clearly cares about the 1.3 billion Muslims in the world today.

In Off-Road Encounters, Sonlighters are learning about the diverse Muslim world and raising money to help reach them with the Gospel. If you haven't joined yet, I strongly encourage you to do so. If you feel nervous to talk about Islam with your children, know that you can preview everything in the program before you show it to them. I think you'll be impressed with what you see.

An American family on their off-road adventure to meet Muslims
Our tour guides for Off-Road Encounters: a suburban American family traveling around the world.

Now, you might wonder: Why Muslims, and why Frontiers?

John and I first became familiar with Frontiers when we were stateside missionaries at the U.S. Center for World Mission. Back then, Frontiers staff would hear comments like "Don't you know Muslims can't be saved?" To which they responded, "The Bible says there will be some from every tongue, tribe and nation before the throne of God. So we trust that there will be believers from Muslim backgrounds there, too. Let's work to bring about that reality."

I love that. Frontiers is focused exclusively on reaching Muslims. They know that 1,108 Muslim people groups still lack any Christian witness among them.

From the minute Frontiers missionaries set out to touch a new people group, their focus is to raise up a local church that eventually goes out and tells others about Jesus. Once a sustainable, missionary-minded church is planted, the Frontiers team is decommissioned and leaves, often to go to a new people group.

Since Frontiers workers go to places where people have never heard of Jesus and His sacrifice on their behalf, they go as members of teams to support one another. I think it's a wise pattern. They are trained to work in risky places. They know from the start that if they are abducted, the agency will not pay a ransom to rescue them. They are ready to give everything to share Jesus' love.

God loves each Muslim person as much as He loves you and me. He longs for Muslims to join the family of Christ and He has given us a chance to help them do so.

Will you sign up and join us today? You have no obligation to give, though I pray you'll consider whether your family can raise $28 or more to help train and equip workers to share the Gospel with Muslims.

I love the opportunity to show the Muslim world in a different light from what we see on TV. May our children recognize Muslims as a wide variety of people who need to meet Jesus as their Sacrifice. That will mainly happen as ambassadors go and tell them about Jesus. "How will they believe unless they hear?"

As we consider the 1.3 billion Muslim people worldwide, I'm grateful to have families pray, focus their attention, and give so that Muslims may hear. May our hearts turn toward this great host of people who need an opportunity to hear the Good News.


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