The Quiet After the Storm

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I've been rather alone here at Sonlight today.

Alone in the Cube Maze

Most people took the day off to extend their holiday and recuperate from the madness, so I think there's only two other people in this quarter of the building.

It's relatively quiet.

Email has also been rather devoid of chatter.

And that's not a bad thing at all.

I'm still not on top of everything again, but I no longer feel like I'm drowning in missed information and a sea of deadlines. This holiday season has been filled with travel and time with family. This has meant that I haven't been in the office as much as my routine personality would prefer.

I don't mind working on the road on borrowed computers, but there's something about working in my familiar environments on my own machines that I miss terribly when I'm away.

"Home is where my computer is plugged in and turned on."

I've said that often.

So whether you're still on a break, recovering from an eggnog overdose, cleaning up the dishes from last night, back to work, or doing school today... may you find rest and peace. May you also get done with everything you need to do before the weekend, even if that is three more naps.

Taking a break is a good thing.

Stopping by to say, "Hi," to a friend trapped in a maze of cubicles is nice too <smile>.

See you all on Monday!

~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Expectant Father

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Mrs. C,

I think the filmmaker was trying to be rather negative about Christmas, but I've got another take on it which hopefully I'll remember to blog about <smile>.

Miss Jocelyn,

You are most welcome. I enjoy reading your posts, and I'm glad my contribution was encouraging <smile>. Keep up the good work!


Miss Jocelyn

HI. :)

Thank you for your comment on my judgmental post. Very true and encouraging.

Mrs. C

Images of death, destruction and disfigurement.

Secular singers.

Quote from Gandhi.

Ok, I'm not really sure what the point was. Christians are bad and shouldn't enjoy Christmas? The UN is the answer to everything? Disarm everybody? What is the filmmaker trying to convey to the audience?