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Tag Archives: hands on
Feb. 28, 2012
Ideas for Using Your Book of Time
One of my favorite supplemental resources from Sonlight is the Book of Time. I love how it offers a hands-on, visual way for my children to see the "big picture" of history-- what events happened around the same time as other … Continue reading
Tagged Book of Time, hands on, history, resources, supplemental, timeline
Oct. 5, 2011
It's what I was looking for...
I was a science major in college. As a young college student I chose to earn a science degree and to get a teaching degree with it. My major interest was natural and earth science and I loved to get … Continue reading
Tagged books, hands on, high school, science
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Sep. 26, 2011
Hands-on Ideas
Have you heard the joke about how many homeschool moms it takes to change a light bulb? The answer is: Just one. First, she checks three books on electricity out of the library, then the kids make models of light … Continue reading
Tagged activities, customize, Encouragement, extracurricular, fun, hands on, learning, supplements, Teaching Tips, tips