Poor Penmanship

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I just got my tablet hooked up, so I felt I needed to draw/sketch/write something.

But what?

How about a little blog recognition of my readers?

Thanks for Reading Sonlight's Blog
Thanks for Reading Sonlight's Blog

As I looked at my scribbled message, I realized something: When my penmanship is legible, I like it. The slanted scrawl has personality. That, or it's just mere exposure effect.

But my handwriting hasn't always been very legible. In fact, it got so bad in high school and college that I had to resort to drastic measures.

I started taking notes in my own cipher.*

A Luke Cipher Sample

Writing this way slowed me down enough that I had to be more precise than my perpetually slurred cursive. Slowing down allowed me to produce very legible results... if only I could remember the cipher and figure out what I was trying to spell later on. Misspelled words didn't look wrong in cipher, so mistakes were harder to catch.

This adaptation was unique to me among my classmates. I'd like to think that my confidence in adopting a new method of note taking had something to do with my homeschool background. I didn't feel the need to conform to the way you were "supposed" to take notes. I found a method that worked for me and ran with it.

May your children do the same!

So... did you figure out my secret message?

 ~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Surrogate Father

*This was before I started typing my notes on a 42lb extremely portable laptop with a one half of ten minute battery life.

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[...] other student to win the Science Award this year couldn't be more different. His notes are illegible. His process unorthodox." And with that, they called me to the [...]


Erika, seeing another person's shorthand is overwhelming <smile>.

And now for the answer:

Sonlight is fantastic

That's what the message says <smile>.



Someone gave me a recipe once that was written in their own shorthand. I completely didn't see what they were saying with it.

Just like I have no clue what your cipher says- really? You would take notes this way and then remember how to fill in the blanks? Impressive!


Ken, Amber--from the MathTacular DVDs--got the new tablet. I got her "old" Intuos 3 <smile>.

That would be intimidating, Rosslyn. Me... I'm just odd <smile>.

That's funny, Marsha <smile>. There are definitely times when "mixing it up" totally throws me too. But having something that forced me to slow down and pay attention to what I was doing... that helped.

As for what I wrote in "code"... no one?



For me to write cipher, would be like parking in a different space when I go to the superWal-mart. I think I will remember because this time it's different from all the other times.

What ends up happening is that since I don't do the norm, I totally lose my car.

All that to say, what in the world were you saying?

Rosslyn Elliott

Luke, I knew someone who would write to herself in Greek in college. I found this extremely intimidating. :-)


I hope I have not missed your telling us what tablet you got?