Every aspect of an American president’s life is examined prior to an election—including schooling. But being homeschooled would not rule out someone from running for political office, even the presidency. According to the US Constitution there are only 3 requirements to run for president:
- You must be a natural born citizen.
- You must have lived in the United States for at least fourteen years.
- You must be at least 35 years old.
Plenty of presidents were homeschooled, in fact! Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933-1945) is the most recent. While there are no current records of a president homeschooling children in the White House, there are also very few records of those same children attending public school. In fact only one president has sent a child to public school in the past century.
How Would a Homeschooler Become President?
There is no one perfect route to the presidency, but there are some common themes. While presidents from backgrounds as diverse as farmer and actor have graced the White House, most have a background in law and politics. All have been able to convince people that they are the right candidate for the job.
Who Will Be the Next Homeschooled President?
The person who becomes president is the one who can convince people to vote for them! This is accomplished not only by building a resume of success, but also by creating a social platform that demonstrates leadership and integrity.
If running for president or some other political office is an exciting idea in your homeschool, then it’s time to get started! Forget running for classroom president or student council. Here are five great ways homeschoolers can work towards a career in politics.
1. Look for Leadership Positions
Opportunities to lead exist beyond school walls. Consider groups where your family is already involved, but encourage your kids to be active participants prior to seeking leadership positions. Here are some great places to start looking:
- church youth groups
- sports teams
- scouts and service organizations
- 4-H clubs
2. Join a Campaign
Money is the most sought after resource for campaigning. Do you know the second? Volunteers, of course!
Change is built from the ground up, which makes local campaigns a great place to learn about politics. Working for a mayoral or congressional campaign may require data entry or registering and mobilizing new voters. Look up local candidates and contact the one your family wishes to support.
3. Learn How the US Government Works
Sonlight's Election Headquarters is the place to start researching the upcoming election. Find hands-on activities, great books, and curriculum options, perfect for the would-be politician.
4. Be Heard
The best ideas in the world won’t go anywhere unless they are shared. Sharpening communication skills is critical.
- Share ideas. Email mayors, senators, or congresspersons.
- Build a political platform. Practice answering questions with short, clear language.
- Practice public speaking. Simple ways to get started include theater, debate, and reading aloud to younger kids.
- Join and contribute to causes that reflect the established platform.
5. Fundraise
Money is needed in order to campaign. Asking for backing and support is part of political life. Getting comfortable with raising funds for deserving causes and using entrusted monies efficiently is paramount. Almost all groups, teams, and clubs have fundraising opportunities.
Are You Homeschooling a Future President?
You could be raising a future president. As Andy Stanley says, “Your greatest contribution to the kingdom of God may not be something you do but someone you raise.”
Keep your family wrapped in faith and prayer. Political careers come with stress, rejection, and disappointment. They also come with amazing opportunities to improve the lives of people in our communities and throughout the world.
Step one towards educating your young public servant is understanding American history, government, and the election process. Get started at Sonlight's Election Headquarters. And be sure to request your FREE ELECTION UNIT STUDY.