Winners of the 2021 Sonlight Photo Contest

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One of the things that we love about our catalog is that we get to feature real photos—and stories—of our customers. Thank you to all of the families who shared #sonlightstories for the 2021 photo contest! And congratulations to the three winners featured below!

WINNER: The C Family, Sonlighters from Orland Park, IL

This is our first year of homeschooling and my children have really fallen in love with reading because of the wonderful literature we have received through Sonlight. When the weather is nice, we tie our hammocks to the trees in our backyard and do our reading time outside. We all love it!  

We have grown so much as a family through our time in God's word using Sonlight and all of the amazing literature we have been exposed to.  Our favorite time of the day is when we all sit together for History / Bible / Literature and learn about the past together through a Christian worldview.  My boys have been inspired by the stories of the missionaries we have read about and we have prayed daily for countries we learned about in Window on the World.  My boys have also devoured all of the great Readers this year and asked for more.  They have truly developed a love of reading on their own that they did not have before homeschooling with Sonlight.  We are so lucky to have picked this homeschool curriculum!  

The C Family, Sonlighters from Orland Park, IL

WINNER: The H Family, Sonlighters from Las Vegas, NV

Zeke is the fourth, and last, of my kids to be homeschooled so it's nice he can go and work quietly on something while I'm helping one of his siblings! I actually did a mix of History / Bible / Literature A and History / Bible / Literature B with him this year because he's really excelled at reading! I love that about homeschooling... that I can have the freedom and capability to school my kids at their individual level!

The H Family, Sonlighters from Las Vegas, NV

WINNER: The D Family, Sonlighters from Roseau, MN

With all the COVID-19 restrictions, we decided to homeschool for the first time this year. Many homeschooling friends strongly recommended Sonlight and they were so right!

There are many things to love about this homeschool curriculum. First and foremost, Sonlight centers on the Bible as the source of all truth and approaches teaching with this worldview.

The detailed organization of weekly lesson plans and notes for each book in the Instructor's Guide was so helpful and a time saver. The quality and content of the books are phenomenal!  We loved the Read-Alouds as much as our children did. Lastly, the ability to incorporate many age levels into the same subject matter made it a perfect choice for our family.

We were apprehensive starting out this year, having never homeschooled before, but Sonlight curriculum was a fantastic choice and we give it five out of five stars! 

The D Family, Sonlighters from Roseau, MN

Thanks again for making this year's photo contest a success. Keep sharing your #sonlightstories year-round! We love your Box Day photos, your day-to-day experiences, and the end-of-the-year #sonlightstack shots of all you've accomplished.

Use the #sonlightstories hashtag when you share on social media.

You can also log into your account on anytime to upload both images and testimonials. You never know when something you submitted may appear in a catalog, on our homepage, or on the Sonlight blog

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