Your Interest-Led Learning

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I bought a Digital SLR camera a while ago to have one more resource in my film making bag. The minute I got I home, I sat down to learn how to use it and make it a more powerful tool. Pretty soon I was reading about firmware updates, lenses, audio adapters, and other things I'd never encountered before. I was learning because I was interested in making movies using my new camera. In many ways, this was the epitome of "delight directed learning."

This certainly wasn't the first time I'd learned something for fun in my life. I've had similar experiences with computer programming, web development, blogging, media production, debate, scientific study, being in a band, theology, and more. Interest-led learning is one of the most natural ways to pursue knowledge and gain skills.

And, as a homeschooler, I had time to be creative. This left me with many opportunities to participate in interest-led learning.

I still think a more structured educational approach is beneficial as well. We should be stretched and introduced to many things so we can discover even more interests.

And that's where homeschooling is so fantastic: We can experience both formal instruction that fits our educational needs and still have plenty of time to let our interests lead us to learn more.

What things have you--or your children--learned "on your own time"?

 ~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Empty Nester

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