Tag Archives: perfectionism

Mastery vs Completion: Working to Finish or Working to Learn?

What's more important to you in your homeschool? Finishing the curriculum or mastering the concepts? Checking the boxes or seeing your kids make mental connections? When I considered my goals for my homeschool, it decided I wanted to prioritize mastery … Continue reading

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3 Simple Phrases that Infuse My Homeschool with a Growth Mindset

Not knowing what to say when your child is having academic trouble is the worst. It’s so hard to maintain a positive attitude when deep inside you are questioning if it is your fault. After all, you are homeschooling, which … Continue reading

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10 Brilliant Tips for Homeschooling Young Perfectionists

Children are normally full of adventure and fun.  They love to experiment and are naturally curious. But some children break from that norm. They prefer life to be neat, clean, and linear. These are the young perfectionists who prefer to … Continue reading

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