Tag Archives: organization

Two Homeschool Organization Myths That May Be Hindering You

Homeschool organization is my jam because the more organized my homeschool is, the less time and money I waste. First, I don't waste time looking for things because I know exactly where they are. Second, I don't waste money buying … Continue reading

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A gift to your child's future spouse: organization skills

When I asked if homeschoolers need to teach organization, Anne-Marie wasn't so sure. She replied: I would think homeschooled kids are less likely to need formal teaching [in organization skills], because they are more likely to see the creation of … Continue reading

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Do you start your day already feeling behind?

The morning broke overcast and sluggish. The tasks that filled the schedule loomed large and imposing. And everything, everything, took longer than it should have. Except that one thing, which was a wonderful relief in the midst of a Monday. … Continue reading

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And so it begins!

The end of August has arrived, and so has the start of school for many families. The beginning of a new school year always represents a fresh slate for me. It brings the promise of new learning experiences, new challenges, … Continue reading

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Practical tips: Creating space for your schoolroom

You don't have to turn your home into a school in order for your children to learn, but sometimes it's nice to have a little space set aside solely for learning, educational games, science experiments, or even simply a quiet … Continue reading

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