Tag Archives: multiple children

3 Steps for Teaching Multiple Ages to Learn Independently

“Mom, can you read this to me?” “Mom, can you help me with this?” “Mom, I have a question!” You probably hear these words from your own children, like I do, many times every school day. I find I am … Continue reading

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Teaching Household Life-skills in a Mixed-age Homeschool Family

Home maintenance can overwhelm even the most organized of us and create extra havoc when children are involved. There are days I would rather throw in the towel instead of train my children for the thousandth time how to make … Continue reading

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How and When to Combine Children in Your Homeschool

Beginning to homeschool is rife with questions; homeschooling with multiple children even more so. While Sonlight curriculum resolves many of the problems a new homeschooler faces, it can be overwhelming to think about using a different History / Bible / … Continue reading

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Homeschooling Multiple Kids? You Need to Know This One Truth

Are you homeschooling multiple kids? Have you ever opened your book to start reading only to realize you're missing at least one of them? This is my life everyday. Without fail, I’ll look up from the second page of the … Continue reading

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A Day in the Life: Homeschooling Multiple Children

Have you seen the video where someone is trying to line up a litter of cute, cuddly kittens? If you haven’t, let me spoil it for you: it doesn’t work very well! As you can imagine, it’s a full thirty … Continue reading

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Do You Need to Give Each Child the Same Homeschool Experience?

My four children all had very different experiences in regards to their early education. Things simply weren’t equal for them. Amy went to Christian school through fourth grade. Luke went to Christian school only for kindergarten. Jonelle and Justin started … Continue reading

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7 Realistic Ways to Homeschool Multiple Levels with Ease

I’ll be honest. One reason I love Sonlight is because I can use a single program, branching off as necessary to match the various ability levels of my kids. However, this year, I really wanted my younger children to go … Continue reading

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