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Tag Archives: education
Aug. 29, 2011
What Inspires Learning?
Perhaps the adage needs to be updated: You can sit a kid in class but you can't make him learn. The latest "report card" for a local school district is depressing. They are failing to teach math to 84% of … Continue reading
Tagged books, education, literature, math, statistics
Aug. 15, 2011
The Horizon and Beyond...
As I read Judy’s post about another milestone in their family I couldn’t help thinking of an upcoming milestone in ours. In December, our youngest son will graduate from college and my husband and I are already patting ourselves on … Continue reading
Tagged education, Encouragement, forums, grades, graduation, high school, transcript
Aug. 1, 2011
In the Interest of Interests
The college model is well established: Find a major to focus on while also covering "general ed." Why is it, then, that people take issue when homeschoolers follow a similar trajectory? I can sympathize with being nervous about a "student … Continue reading
Tagged college, education, Homeschooling, priorities
Jul. 27, 2011
Organs, Legos and Learning
Missus Wookie's post about Organ Donation reminded me of xkcd's strip on the topic. [NB: While the xkcd link I provided is clean, please heed the warning that "this comic occasionally contains strong language" if you decide to browse that … Continue reading
Tagged education, Homeschooling
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Jul. 22, 2011
Fear: A Challenge to Learning
I enjoy books which make a case for "everything you've been told is wrong." That's probably a big part of why I like Gladwell and Dr. Sax, as well as things like the evolution/Creation dispute. I also enjoy hearing about … Continue reading
Tagged education, priorities
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Jul. 18, 2011
A Social Drawback to Being Well-Educated
In 9th grade my dad asked a question of the teacher. The children behind him giggled while my dad laid out his query. After getting his answer, my dad asked his friend, "Why were they giggling?" "They didn't understand a … Continue reading
Tagged education
Jul. 12, 2011
What is true education?
Christian thinker Francis Schaeffer wrote, "In our modern forms of specialized education there is a tendency to lose the whole in the parts, and in this sense we can say that our generation produces few truly educated people. True education … Continue reading