The longer I work at Sonlight, the more grateful I am that I have the opportunity to do so. Today's super-cool-part-of-my-job: I get to create things I've never seen before.
Sonlight's Virtual Booth
I've been working on this project since before September 15, 2009. The Virtual Booth is based on some of my favorite games. I took the first-person interaction and exploration idea of Myst, added the cut-scene transitions of Zelda and included the speech bubbles of Starcraft to bring you a virtual homeschool convention experience like none other!
This project is still in Beta, so your feedback and suggestions are most welcome. Please feel free to email me with any suggestions and insights you have. Please also let me know of any bugs you find.
Come be one of the first people in the world to wander Sonlight's virtual homeschool convention booth, learn more about Sonlight, experience some super cool technology, and help me test a project I've been dying to tell you about for over a year now!
Check out the Virtual Booth![Beta]
~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Empty Nester
Jenn, we do not have curriculum programs for sale on the convention floor. I realize that shipping is incredibly expensive. If you have a friend in the US who would be willing to bring you boxes, that would be the best way to save on shipping. Anyone coming to visit you soon?
This looks fantastic. It's been "starred" in my reader for a while...I've been trying to find the time to explore it.
I've just signed up for a curriculum fair in Kitchener, ON Canada and saw you are on the list of vendors. Having never been to one before...can you actually buy your curriculum there and take it home with you or is it just to look at?
I don't imagine you can cart around all the curriculum through the countryside. I'm planning to do Newcomer P4/5 and looking to save on shipping to Canada :) any suggestions?
Thanks, Amy!
Wow, Luke, this is great! Good work!