If you're using Sonlight and loving it, please disregard this post. It's not for you.
Similarly, Sonlight may not be right for you or your family. How can you know if Sonlight is not going to be good fit?
Here are 27 reasons not to buy Sonlight. Read them. Think them over. And if you agree, please go find a homeschool curriculum that is going to better meet your needs. Sonlight is successful because we know what we do well. And I want to make sure you are successful in your homeschooling journey by focusing on the things you do well.
Again: Please read the 27 reasons Sonlight is not for you.
Still not convinced Sonlight is the wrong curriculum for your family? Okay, then check out our one-year guarantee that you'll love using Sonlight! Because if Sonlight is for you, you're going to love it. Guaranteed.
~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Empty Nester