Today was our first official Box Day!
Granted, I was the delivery man and left the box on the front porch while the girls were still napping. But the box was there when we opened the door:
"What's on the porch?" my wife asked.
"My shoes?"
Umm... no, child. Do you see the giant box that looks like it is full of wonderful things? No? Well, we'll bring it in anyway.
Opening the box is moderately interesting. Well, mildly interesting. But after you're told that you can't play with the scissors, all interest in the box vanishes. I'd rather go play with the lamp and my pine cone.
At least we have one "reader" who is willing to hold one of the books... even if it is upside-down.
Once the toys come out, I guess I can be bothered to rejoin the group.
I must say, I was surprised by how heavy the box was, even though what we got was one of the smallest packages Sonlight offers. I couldn't even fit everything onto our decently sized coffee table.
Will the girls come 'round and decide that they really are interested in all these books?
Only time will tell.
Kids have a way of dashing your fantasies. After reading all the amazing Box Day Stories, I was really hoping there'd be some glee and rejoicing. There wasn't. And the weather's been rather dreary all day, so I didn't even have good lighting. That's why my pictures aren't that shiny and nice.
How am I supposed to be the poster-child for a product when my experience isn't very poster-worthy?
...uh-oh... I hear some cries of distress from upstairs. Time to give the wife some backup.
~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Surrogate Father
[…] doing Sonlight P3/4 with […]
[…] I hope to be able to share with you tomorrow […]
Sheri, my wife put all the books back into the box for now. So the girl's haven't had a chance to play with it yet <smile>. But I'm much relieved to know that their response was typical, and that it's not just because I did something wrong <laughing>. They are enjoying the books more and more every day. However, because of their age, they like reading the same ones over and over again, and don't like it when we try to introduce a new story.
They're still really young, though, so that should change as time goes by <smile>.
opps, that should have said the "goodies are not nearly as fun as the BOX" not books. My mind is now on books. LOL.
Did they at least enjoy the box? Make a dolly house out of it, or sit inside the box til it tore loose at the seams? That is usually what my kids do with such things. The goodies are not nearly as fun as the books. And for their ages, unless there were a real live princess or pony or something in there-their reaction was totally typical. Fear not, they will come around. Maybe you should have tossed in a bag of candy-that would have produced some oohs and aahs for sure! LOL
Blessings to you and your wife-keep on keeping on-it is going to take time to win the hearts of these babies.
"Box Day can still be fun, even if the kids aren't thrilled." That's a great point, Cheryl. I should keep that in mind.
Cat, the girls did like the mix and match bears too. And, I think, after they've experienced some of the books and have gotten used to Sonlight, they'll come around <smile>.
LOL Been there! When we got our newcomer P3/4 back in the spring, my girls showed different levels of excitement. My oldest FAKED being disinterested and bored when she got home from kindy at school, just kind of bored looking through the stack of books. Then she found the Flip-Flap Body Book and snuck off with it to hide on the sofa, and then snuck it outside when I banished her to the yard to go ride her bike in the driveway. My 3yr old and 1yr old (at that time, the little one has since turned 2) had no interest until I pulled out the Teddy Mix and Match, then they looked. Yep, it was a less than eventful day, although it was nowhere NEAR our first box day (1 core, 1 lang. arts K, and misc. extras as needed so we had more like 6 boxes before P3/4 came) Now our first box day when we got P4/5, THAT was a barrel of excitement lol
This post made me laugh. I guess I can relate. I'm the person in my house who gets most excited about books. Box Day can still be fun, even if the kids aren't thrilled.
Thank you, everyone. I know. I kept telling myself, in the back of my mind: 'They're only 2 and 3. This is their first box day. Of course, I'm more excited than them.' And yet, I wanted to vent. <smile>
Thanks for listening and giving me your insights, wisdom and encouragement! Honestly, Brittany said that the girls really enjoyed reading today... so they're already on the upswing... which is fantastic! <smile>
All our kids have spent years reading everything upside down... seriously and they are avid!!! Secretly box days are for the folks, all about remembering books we have loved and read and want our kids to read... your little guys look really cute and they will most likely love the box!!!
I loved the books in P 3/4. Congratulations on your very own box day! They'll come around...I have no doubts about that.
Luke and Brittany. I had to laugh. No, really. I HAD to. Because that is so much like our 1st box day. Even worse for me, was that my oldest is an avid reader and he was so mad that we were gonna homeschool he didn't even acknowledge how cool it was that a box of books just showed up. He pouted. Then left. My 2nd child said, "We're NOT gonna read those!!" So, well, 3 or 4 box days later....they get totally excited. But, some days I feel just like Brittany..."Why am I not having all the fun like everybody else????" It's just reality. And, some days I feel just like you, "They are supposed to snuggle w/me on the couch...why do I have to physically restrain them to do so????" :) It'll get better. Oh, and some days are just gonna stink it up no matter what. Ya'll have fun. the prek core is really cool and my boys loved (and STILL ask to do) many of the activities etc. in it. :) JUlie
This is awesome! No, they may not go out of their skins with excitement but they'll still love the goodies as you go along. I had to laugh because my mom and I were much more excited about all the wonderful books and supplies in the Core 3 + LA + Science that I bought for my daughter than she was. And then my son (age 2) wanted the box. And he wanted to lift the box.... until even Grampa mentioned how heavy it was. He grabbed it from the front porch and admitted he had thought "Well, it's just that homeschool stuff, so how heavy could it be?" heeheehee You sure showed him, Sonlight folks!!! :-P
Enjoy!!! And give each other and those sweetie pies hugs from our fam. :-)
Books are magical, you just have to encourage the children to believe in the magic, the rest is up to them :)
Awww, Luke & Brittany, hang in there. Keep lovin' on those girls; God will do the rest. I continue to pray for all of you during the adjustment period.
You seem to be doing great!!! Children of all ages have a way of dashing their parent's hopes and dreams from time to time. Just ask my parents! My oldest is already starting. Better get used to it. But watch them closely. They will surprise you when you least expect it. When that happens, it will make you melt all over again. I hope your wife is adjusting well. Those post-partum blues are not reserved for moms of newborns! I don't care what they say. Be positive and work twice as hard until she falls into a comfortable routine. The rewards will be great! I am sorry box day wasn't what you thought it would be, but I think the days that follow are much more important! Remember...take baby steps!
{{{Luke and Brittany}}} Yup, welcome to the real world of parenting! Keep lovin' and nurturin' those little girls and watch what God will do...
Tammy ~@~
I want to leave you some wise and insightful comment, but I can't think of anything to say except I've been there. The rosy homeschool family pictures are often not our reality either.
Congratulations on your first box day... even if it wasn't all you dreamed.