Rice, Stings, and Leia

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Two weeks ago I got stung by a bee while weeding my lawn. It hurt, but we got some baking soda paste on it pretty quickly and that helped.

But by Sunday morning my hand was swelling.

I started popping Diphenhydramine pills like they were candy ...candy I was only allowed to eat two of every six hours.

It helped the redness, but not the swelling.

So, I started my own RICE project (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate). The ice helped the redness get redder, but did nothing for the swelling.

Am I allergic to bees? Am I going to need to start carrying around an epinephrine pen?

We had to go to the doctor anyway, so I asked her about it. She glanced at my hand, took note of the fact that the swelling was slowly creeping across my hand, pointed out that it was also heading up my arm and told me that the bee had given me an infection. "You were stung by a dirty bee," she quipped.

So now I'm popping these instead:


Speaking of Rice [bag] Projects:
Due to a "coincidental" set of events, my mom was interviewed on the radio.

I was graciously given the opportunity to share that segment with you, so if you'd like to listen to it you can find it at the above link or on Sonlight's site. It's less than 5 minutes in length.

In other news, we're having a typical Holzmann party at our house tonight: Come whenever, bring whatever, do whatever. We're low key, but we love hosting parties and people seem to like to come. But we haven't figured out what we're going to "be" tonight. Last year I was a very white Frozone.

But Kelli reminded me of the time that Brittany and I were Han Solo and Princess Leia. So, to commemorate, here's a picture:

Luke and Brittany as Harrison and Carrie

Have a wonderful, blessed, and safe weekend with your friends and family. See you all on Monday!

 ~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Expectant Father

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