I try to keep an eye out for great blog topics throughout my day. The problem is that I will think of something and say to myself, "Self, that is a great idea you just had. Hold onto that for me." And then I go about my work.
When it comes time to blog, I turn to myself and ask, "What was that great idea I had earlier?"
And my self will answer, "Huh?"
That seriously just happened.
Thankfully I have a slew of Other Posts of Note to draw upon in time of need.
I came upon a great article about the current mortgage problems that points to an unlikely--or not, depending on your view--source: God.
Well, not really. More accurately: It's people's misuse of theology that has likely helped lead us to where we are today.
The article is really interesting. For instance, I had not heard that the "Prosperity Gospel" can actually lead people to start living a more fiscally responsible life. That definitely brings to mind the concept of the Lord working in mysterious ways.
But just as I need to learn not to trust my brain to remember important details, I'm finding I need to learn to let God deal with things His way. My brain just can't handle it.
I once heard a guy give his testimony saying that what convinced him that Christianity was true was a book about Bible Codes.
So even if God decides to use cracked pots like us, I feel like the above article should give us pause. We need to carefully watch our doctrine. But at the same time, I guess the other lesson I'm learning is that there is grace enough for people who don't quite "get it" either.
...in the end, I'm just feeling a little torn in my brain: We must be careful, but God gives us grace anyway.
~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Expectant Father