The Sonlight Curriculum Consultants. Our last day of Training. I am in the front right with the purple shirt.
I am not employed by Sonlight and in fact I live in Kentucky, not near Littleton, Colorado at all. But, for the past 15 years I have been a Sonlight Curriculum Consultant [SCC]. I am a self-employed private contractor and in that capacity, Sonlight contracts with me to set up the Sonlight booth at a few homeschool conventions each year. I love to encourage homeschool parents, love Sonlight and love conventions, so it is a great way for me to be involved with all those things at once.
Last month Sonlight brought the SCCs out to Sonlight for training. Today I want to share with you a bit about what happens inside Sonlight.
Every day starts out with prayer. Several small groups meet around the office to pray for people groups, Sonlight customers and personal needs. It was a privilege to be part of this special time and to see how this Christian company practice what it preaches. From the inscription in the entrance-way, to the daily prayer, to the fellowship between the employees…Sonlight is a place where I would love to work.
They kept us pretty busy with training: learning about new products, meeting with product development, getting a vision for where Sonlight is going, learning new organizational skills and brainstorming new ideas for our booths. We were able to join the once a month employee gathering where Sarita talks about whatever is on her heart. Her message about organization was inspired, but more inspiring was the interactions I observed between the employees.
Let me digress for a moment to mention that my youngest son works as a technician in a warehouse where my daughter works in management. I hear first-hand reports from both of them about how poorly most of the front office people treat the warehouse staff. The warehouse guys work hard and are skilled at many jobs, yet the front office people treat them like second class citizens.
You don’t see that at Sonlight.
- I love this place!
Everyone from the gentleman that processes returns, to the warehouse staff, to the General Manager, to the product development team, to the owners-- chat and laugh together, pray for each other and genuinely seem to enjoy each others’ company.
I mentioned my son’s experience to one staff member and she looked at me with horror. She said, “No matter how great we do in the office, the whole place would fall apart without our warehouse staff. They are the backbone of Sonlight. Every job and every person is important here.” And from what I observed, she was right.
It did my heart good to see a company that is run with high ideals such as fairness, honesty, compassion and efficiency; where the employees care not only about their customers, but about each other. I thought it might do your heart good too.