As I read through my Other Posts of Note today, three ideas came together: Abortion, The Hunger Games, and the blessing of children.
One of the horrors of The Hunger Games--which I have not read, but I did see the movie with friends--is the sacrifice of children. What a timely message: Children are desirable!
In fact, in the world portrayed in the movie, the only reason not to have kids is their potential inclusion in this horrible "game." No, it's not poor living conditions, or the uncertainty of having enough, or a desire to make something of oneself before settling down. Those are non-issues. What gives pause to having children is the fear that these kids will one day be sacrificed on the altar of entertainment and totalitarian oppression.
It's the hopeless meaninglessness of it all. That's the paralyzing fear.
But what do we do with totalitarian governments? How should we respond to cruel games that sacrifice their participants? What will we do when faced with a call for self-sacrifice? Are we clever and resourceful in the face of adversity? How will we stand out in this world, so our lives--and our deaths--are not meaningless?
These are questions explored in that story. But they aren't new. In fact, growing up on a steady diet of missionary biographies, my childhood was full of examples of men and women who have done all that and more! My mom has often said that she wants to give us real heroes to look up to. And the books that fill Sonlight's homeschool curriculum do just that.
Who's your favorite hero/heroine you've read about thus far?
~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Empty Nester
Carol, Corrie ten Boom has an amazing story!
Rebekah, it's true, the film gave several nods to elements within the book. I chatted with my friends and they were able to explain a little more for me. It's too bad they didn't adapt the movie a little more so it would work better as a stand alone piece and not just be a visual representation of the book experience... or, so I say <smile>.
As in so many cases, the book is better than the movie. But in the case of the Hunger Games, you just can't understand the movie without having read the book.
Corrie ten Boom. Oh, The Hiding Place is fabulous -- and I love the lessons of God working ALL things together for HIS purpose that it is teaching my children. We will read it for a second time with our Sonlight Curriculum next year! :)
Great examples! I haven't checked out the Netflix documentary yet. I'll need to do that. Thanks for the tip, Ginny!
Eric Liddell, initially after reading the bio in Eastern Hemisphere, but especially after watching the documentary on Netflix streaming. They interviewed his children and those who had been children in the same Chinese camp. Very powerful.
So far, it's George Mueller. However, we loved Missionary Stories with the Millers and found all of them to be inspiring. Not sure I can choose a favorite ;) thanks Luke, for linking to my blog, I always read yours but don't always make it over to comment. Your words are greatly appreciated. God bless you!
George Muller. We are also finishing our first grade year!
Gladys Aylward has been our favorite so far... we love the missionaries that Sonlight has introduced us to.
So hard to choose a favorite, but George Muller comes to mind as we are just finishing his biography this week.
Eric Liddell --what a selfless person!