Love 'em Both

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I love to read glowing responses to Sonlight. I try to include them in the "Other Posts of Note" section. And that makes sense: I'm a Sonlight blogger, a Sonlight kid, and soon to be--I hope--a Sonlight dad.

But I love the negative posts about Sonlight too.

Well, I don't really love them. In fact, it's hard to hear someone berate the company or one of the products. But I love what I get to do. My job, which I really enjoy, is to chat with those disgruntled folks and find out what went wrong, what they didn't like, and do what I can to make the situation right or, at least, better. I get to help people, and I love helping people.

Granted, if you look back through the history of "Other Posts of Note"--and you should because there is some great stuff there--you won't find me linking to the person who complained about the quality of the binding on one of the Sonlight titles. I don't instantly share that someone says our materials are evil. I don't include the post where the person complained about our shoddy offerings in this or that subject.

But I do, from time to time, post the followup.

I don't want to link you to a post where someone has merely complained. I am, however, thrilled when I am able to link to a post where people have complained, I have been able to address their concerns--in however minimal a way--and they feel that they have at least been heard and supported. In fact, in many cases, their issue remains, but I have, hopefully, been able to take their feedback to improve Sonlight and encouraged them to continue on in the homeschooling journey (even if it isn't with Sonlight).

I love those kinds of posts.

And I got to thinking about it today because I had one of both kinds--included with the "Other Posts of Note" <smile>:

Mary Grace's positive and Suji's negative ...okay, it's really a rave review of how great I am <cough cough>. You think I'd link to someone calling me names? <grin>

I write about Sonlight's desire to help homeschooling families often, but that's because I think it is so important--and so much a part of who I am and what I do. I know that Sonlight isn't perfect, and so I welcome feedback on how we can make it better. And I'm glad that people are happy with me when I do.

It's one of the great perks of the job.

I just wish I didn't have so many typos. I even proofread most of my comments! <grr>

~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Expectant Father

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Suji, end users are what's important--that should be a given for any company <smile>.

And everyone is different, so it's not surprising that some things don't workout for everyone. May you find the things that perfectly fit you and your family, whether from Sonlight or not. <smile>



I still am impressed by what you are doing to make the products a success. It's always nice to see a company not only care about its products but how much they truly address their users' needs. I'm glad I tried Sonlight...and one mismatch is not going to stop me from trying some of the other stuff :) All the best Luke.


Nancy, well said <smile>.



This is such a great entry. I feel the same way with TOS. Above all, I want people to know that we care and to encourage them in their homeschool journey.


Angela, I hope you get better medical suggestions. I wish I could offer more.

Jennifer, You've made me speechless. Thank you. Thank you!

Kimberly, thanks for returning the favor and dropping by here. <smile> Always on the lookout for ways to improve.

Thank you all for stopping by.



Hi there,
Thanks for dropping by and saying hello! I appreciate that Sonlight is willing to do the work to find out what is/isn't working for those of us trying to adequately educate our children at home...

kimberly at Four Little Acorns

Jennifer Sr.

If you hadn't commented on my posts about my intentions about switching from SL, I would have moved on and not looked back.

However, it was one more way that SL impressed me. We feel really by SL blessed in so many ways. I couldn't seem to make it work, but there was no doubt in our minds that it was a top notch company and curriculum.

Then I looked over all your blogs and liked what I saw. I thought I would like my kids to be able to think as critically as you do when they finish SL. I still wanted to switch, but was torn.

My husband pointed out that I was torn because I didn't actually want to leave SL. He was right.

I have now overcome some of the issues that I struggled w/ initially and am so glad I didn't leave!

Thanks again.


I appreciate your comments and support. The whole allergy elimination thing is kind of "been there, done that" around our house. The only things I'm sensitive to are chocolate and caffeine. But thanks for the suggestion! I know it is a problem for some people. A food allergy can really make you crazy.