Twenty years ago, my mom was homeschooling us kids and loving it. When she learned that some families were struggling with their homeschool adventure, she decided to start Sonlight Curriculum.
That's right: My mom started Sonlight while homeschooling. Granted, Sonlight was a bit smaller back then. But my mom worked while homeschooling.
Now, I'm not nearly that on top of things. I didn't work while in college. I went to class and I swam. In reality, swimming on the team took up more time than a part-time job. And, with my scholarship, probably paid better too. But, whatever. The fact remains: I felt way too overwhelmed to work and do school at the same time.
Right now, The Old Schoolhouse is hosting a Blog Cruise on Working and Homeschooling. If you're interested in learning how others pull that off, check out some of the posts.
You can also listen to a fantastic Sonlight podcast on How to Homeschool While Working. This 40 minute presentation is broken up into four parts, so you can catch bits of it when you have time. Because, even if you aren't working yet, I'm sure you're plenty busy.
Even if you're successfully homeschooling and working, you may learn ways you can do both better. If you're interested in learning more about working while homeschooling, check out the How to Homeschool While Working podcast.
~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Empty Nester
Glad to hear it, Eternal Insights!
Luke, Thanks a bunch for sharing this... Even though I'm a few days late. Sounds like I was sent here by divine powers today. I need these links :)
You're welcome, everyone. Glad the link proved useful!
Luke! Just today, a friend sent me a message, asking if I thought she could balance working with homeschooling her son, who will be in Kindergarten in the fall. In addition to encouraging her to give it a shot, I sent her a link to this. Thanks!!
Thanks so much for this very timely post. I can't wait to check out these links. I work full-time in our music/education store and also tutor reading part-time. I'm learning to fit it all in but sometimes I don't do so well. Thanks so much!
What timing! I'll have to come back this weekend when there's more time to check out your links.....because I'm finding it a challenge to balance homeschooling and work part-time.
So thank you!
Tammy ~@~
Thanks, Luke! I hadn't seen these yet.