How to Grow Spiritually

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Scripture is amazing. There is so much to discover and uncover within the text. And I absolutely love reading the insights others have gleaned. Mark (aka pastor guy) has a great post about Jacob's spiritual growth that shed new light on a familiar story for me. I had never considered how much Jacob's theology had developed in the twenty years between when he ran away from his brother and headed back to meet him again.

As Mark points out, it's not age that develops you, it's walking through life experiences and learning to look to God in them. His goodness changes us if we let it.

I know I need to acknowledge His provision and respond in thanks to grow. But I have found I can grow when I look to the lives of others as well. When I read Scripture, I have opportunities learn how God has been faithful in the past. I can grow in faith as I see His faithfulness. But it's not just Scripture. My theology developed as I read missionary biographies and saw God work in more recent history as well!

Sometimes we need to learn through the "school of hard knocks" as God sustains us through the dark times. Other times we can travel miles on the backs of those who have gone before us. And I am grateful for all the opportunities I've had to do just that through Sonlight's Core packages. I can't imagine how immature my faith would be if it were not for the great cloud of witnesses I have learned from and about.

I love how the Sonlight Giving Adventures present us with yet another opportunity to walk a few more steps down the road. We get to partner with God in work He is doing on the other side of the globe. We get to see Him move in the lives of others, and us! We can make a difference right now. And the more we follow Christ's lead, the more we will grow closer to Him.

 ~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Guardian

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