Let’s talk about an encouraging reality today: You are already doing the most important thing to help your children succeed in their education.
By simply caring about and being involved in your children’s education, you help them thrive.
Most educators agree that the biggest factor in children’s academic success is parental involvement. That’s true for kids in public schools. It’s true for kids in private schools. And it’s truly part of what makes homeschooling such a beautiful option.
Homeschooling Is Parenting Plus
Consider this: Homeschooling lets you engage with your children’s education in a much deeper way. You don’t just attend parent-teacher conferences, volunteer in the classroom and help kids with homework. Instead, you enjoy daily, meaningful interaction with your students.
And with Sonlight, you’re not just lecturing your child or putting them in front of a computer program on their own. You are spending quality time together every single day as you read and discover together. Your typical Sonlight day includes snuggles with your little ones and deep conversation with your older students.
Sonlight Helps You Parent
Sonlight helps you fulfill your God-given duty to guide your children in life. Customers tell us that the special times reading and talking together have created family bonds stronger than they would have ever imagined. They develop a shared language around the stories they’ve read together. They know how their kids are really doing in life; they see their daily joys and struggles and can support them through it all.
As you read together, you’ll naturally talk with your kids about everything from politics and faith to relationships and history. You’ll talk about the characters you meet in your books who make good and bad decisions and discuss how they face the consequences.
Homeschooling Fosters a Strong Bond
And this daily back-and-forth helps instill an important lesson in your children: You are a trusted, safe and good source of life wisdom and direction.
We hear from parents of high schoolers who have used Sonlight for years:
“You won’t believe the caliber of conversations we’re having!”
“The years of hard work and talking are paying off in ways I would have never imagined. My teenagers and I are close, and we talk about everything”
Oh, what many parents would give for a relationship with their teenagers like that! What a privilege to be able to help guide your children as they grow because you have earned that place of trust and favor in their lives.
The Daily Investment of Homeschooling Reaps Benefits
So while it might be easier in the short run to use a hands-off approach to your children’s education, know that with Sonlight your daily involvement makes a huge difference in your child’s life.
- It helps them succeed academically, so they’re prepared for whatever God calls them to do in life.
- And it helps you build and maintain a close relationship with your children for years to come.
All through the daily joy of learning together.
And since Sonlight does the prep work for you, you get to focus each day on what you do best: interacting with your kids and helping them thrive.
May you enjoy the journey!