Homeschool Bloggers, YouTubers, and Instagrammers to Follow

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Homeschool Bloggers, YouTubers, and Instagrammers to Follow

If you are looking for homeschool bloggers, Instagrammers, and YouTubers to follow, here are suggestions* of a few Sonlighters we have encountered online. This list is by no means intended to be exhaustive, but it's a start for finding resources which give a boost to your homeschool day.

Homeschool Bloggers Who Use Sonlight

Visit these sites for homeschool ideas, practical applications, and inspirational meditations. Below each mom's site, we have listed a few of our favorite posts.

The moms here run the range of family size from an only child (Gina) to a family with 10 children (Amber). Some have already graduated high schoolers (Heather) while others have yet to cross the threshold beyond elementary school (MJ).

Collectively these moms homeschool through the entire realm of special needs including ADHD, giftedness, dyslexia, cerebral palsy, anxiety, and trauma. They—like you, reader—are living in the joys and challenges of day to day homeschooling, making the most of every moment and occasionally documenting their experiences online for the whole world to see.

Amy Mattson at Raising the Extraordinary

Heather Schwarzen at To Sow a Seed

Nicole at Mama of Many Blessings

Ana Willis at They Call Me Blessed

Terryn Winfield at Just a Simple Home

Michelle Gibson at Delightful Learning

Kimberly Huff at Natural Beach Living

MJ at Soaring Arrows

Amber Smith  at 200 Fingers and Toes

Deana Wood at Redeeming the Days

Gina Munsey at Oaxaca Born


Sonlight • enjoy successful homeschooling • I Use Sonlight

Homeschool YouTubers Who Use Sonlight

Although we Sonlighters are known for our love of the written word and great books, we love our videos too! Here are three popular (and prolific) Sonlight YouTubers.

Homeschool Instagrammers Who Use Sonlight

Although there are gobs (and gobs!) of Sonlighters on Instagram, here are a few select accounts with especially interesting or beautiful accounts. Enjoy!

  1. TheByrneSchoolHouse
  2. se7en
  3. Vespa & Rhino
  4. Pinto and Yami
  5. kelliezajas0
  6. Kathryn Nordyke
  7. Tiffany
  8. Meghann

What About You?

There are hundreds more bloggers, Instagrammers, and YouTubers who use Sonlight but aren't listed in this post. If you talk about Sonlight online, we welcome you to leave a comment below to share the site or account where you do that.

#sonlightstories for All of Us

And of course, all Sonlighters are welcome to use the #sonlightstories hashtag to publish photos, share victories, and even ask questions across social media. Follow that hashtag, on Instagram for example, to find other Sonlighters to follow.

Did you know? We welcome your stories and photos year-long—not only during catalog photo contest season. They don't have to be polished or posed. We love your candid shots of kids and tabletop views of coffee and Instructor's Guides.

Go here to upload your #sonlightstories.

*This post is not an official Sonlight endorsement of the opinions or full content profiles of the moms listed here. This post is simply an effort to help more of you connect online. Browse responsibly.

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Great list. I just started a homeschooling instagram account @raneyacademy. We are 7th year sonlighters using PREK, and HBL a and f this year.

Nathan Hamilton

We use sonlight too!
My blog and YouTube channel are specifically focused on enjoying Jesus with kids, but I do also share ideas and tips that families have told me have been useful/fun for their homeschooling journey.


what a good list of resources to help Sonlight users. :)

Alison Ballou

I can't wait to check out some of these blogs! We are Sonlight users, too :) I blog at and am on instagram as notyetwhatweshallbe !
