Sonlight has--to my knowledge--an unmatched guarantee in the homeschool marketplace. Buy one of Sonlight's packages. Use half of it. If you decide you don't love it, send it back. We'll refund you the cost of the program.
In other words: Try Sonlight. We'll cover your "trial run" if Sonlight's not for you.
But I'm interested: Did you find Sonlight's Love to Learn Guarantee helpful? Did it encourage you to try Sonlight? Or does it feel like some kind of "too good to be true" scam thingy? Did you even know Sonlight had such a guarantee?
I'm interested in your thoughts for three reasons:
- I would love to get some testimonials about this.
- I'm interested in your thoughts.
- December 1 brought about some changes...
Don't worry: Sonlight's guarantee is still very much in effect. It's just as strong as ever. But the Federal Trade Commission has enacted some "clarifications" as to how companies--especially company bloggers such as myself--can use comments, user feedback and testimonials.
Unfortunately, for all the buzz I'm seeing about the December 1 "change," I can't find it on the FTC site. Which is more than a little frustrating. So I've been reading second-hand information.
I'd like your first-hand impression of Sonlight's guarantee. I invite your comments.
Afraid to post your comment because of the FTC?
Don't worry. They seem to care about the blog owner, not the commentors. I'm taking the risk. Not you. ...much like Sonlight's Sonlight's guarantee.
~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Surrogate Father
Glad you think so, Anonymous! <smile>
ehh... informative
Grateful, love it! Thanks for sharing <smile>.
Sanjeet, I agree <smile>.
I am so glad you are loving Sonlight, Missy! May it continue to be a joy <smile>.
The guarantee is what sold me on Sonlight. I was interested in it because of its basis in literature and the way it incorporated Christianity into its teachings. But what finally made me make the step was the guarantee. This is our first time homeschooling and it seemed like a lot of money to invest compared to others out there, but I figured since it had the guarantee, why not?
We are loving it!
The guarantee is what helped me take the step. I wanted to. I loved everything I saw. I was excited.
But... I was a first time homeschooler. It looked like a lot of money.
The guarantee (at the time it was 8 weeks, I think) is what helped me feel confident in trying. I never regretted it.
I now own five full cores.
I'm grateful SL stands behind it's product with such a guarantee. My bet is that SL hadn't had to refund many.
That is fantastic to hear, Happy Little Wonders <smile>. Thanks for taking the time to share!
The "love to learn guarantee" was what sold me in my first year. We bought Core K knowing that we could actually use the product and see if it was a fit.
Long story short, we loved it and now own 5 full cores. I wouldn't have it any other way.