There's No Place Like

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I wore that shirt as we headed home yesterday.

I'm a homebody. And ever since college I've defined home as "anywhere I have my computer setup and connected to the internet." So the shirt totally applies.

I also love what I do. There was more than one occasion amidst the stress of travel and the cacophony of 8 children and 9 adults that I turned to Brittany and said, "I could be at work right now!" And I have a computer at work. And it is connected to the internet. I feel at home here.

The vacation was good. I got to "bond" more with the girls. But that was difficult as well. Bonding with children takes more patience than I often have. My conclusion: Family vacations are wonderful things. But there will be times when you wish you could just go home.

This would be the perfect time to talk about how there's no place like home for learning. This would be the place to praise homeschooling. Here is the opportunity to put home education on a pedestal. There's no place like home!

But I'm not going to.

It's entirely possible that prior to children your definition of home was "peace and quiet;" "a place to unwind after work;" "time spent with my spouse." But no more. Children decimate that. And being on vacation with two little ones just drove that home for me.

Homeschooling is hard. There are days and times when it really doesn't feel worth the trouble. Just like vacationing on the beach with 8 children under 7.

But no matter how horrible it gets, homeschooling is worth it.

Just like vacationing on the beach.

Because, really, there's no place like home.

 ~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Surrogate Father

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Good point, Sanjeet. We should strive to focus on the good. Being thankful is, I've heard, one of the best ways to improve your attitude.



really, most of the days are just....days. Not so bad, not so great, just normal. Unless we intentionally strive to notice the good


Heather, I haven't had to start thinking about when the girls will go back, when they'll leave. It's hard for me to think about it right now. But I'm sure you're right.

Agreed, Mrs. C. Speaking as one "not very nice person all the time" to another <smile>.

Julie, thank you. Wasn't easy to write.

I'm glad I'm not alone in that, Jenn <smile>.



I am a total homebody too.

Julie Lynn

Love the honesty. Good for you!

Mrs. C

Sweet. You know... "bonding" in the 24/7 is so different than a visit. It brings out the real you, what you're really like when you're tired and overworked or whatever. So, my kids know I'm not a very nice person all the time and vice versa. And I think it makes us better people to be able to figure that out and still love one another. :]


so true, every word of it. The hard days are abundant, the really melt your heart good days are few and far between, but somehow when they happen, they really do make it all worth it. And really, most of the days are just....days. Not so bad, not so great, just normal. Unless we intentionally strive to notice the good, the beauty, the joy, the wonder in our children. If we look, it is there. But usually we have to look for it.

And when we do, it is so very very worth it. 'Cause there is no place like home, and home wouldn't be home without these little ones. Once they arrive, nothing is ever the same, for better or for worse.

The funny thing is -- once they arrive, you never want them to leave, never want to imagine another day without them. Even on the days you think you do.