I wouldn't call myself a "conspiracy theorist," but I do love reading and watching documentaries about conspiracies. They've probably given me some really whacked-out ideas.
Ah well. We can't all be sane! <Bwahahaha ha!>
I was just introduced to another conspiracy. I don't think Brittany's mom intended for that to happen when she innocently picked up a new book. Granted, this book is not nearly as important as the last book she handed me, but it's good nonetheless... and it's about a conspiracy!
Which, by the by, if you have not yet read "Why Gender Matters," you need to pick up a copy right now and read it. Seriously. This is a book I think everyone should read. Everyone. In fact, this calls for a phrase that drives my wife nuts: "Needs must have." I started saying it while in ASL because the signs for "need" and "must" vary only in the intensity of the motion.
I'm a dork like that. I can handle it.
Okay, now onto another interesting--but not nearly as important as Dr. Sax's work--book: "In Defense of Food."
The basic premise of "In Defense of Food" seems to be that American culture has come to believe that eating is about refueling our bodies with nutrients. This has led to the severe health related problems we now experience as a culture (and every other culture starts to experience when they adopt "the American" way of eating).
Humorous and filled with great vocabulary words, this book is informative and fun ...at least what we've read of it.
So, before you consider buying something "fortified" with a particular vitamin or mineral, perhaps you should find out what Michael Pollan has to say. It's really interesting stuff!
~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Expectant Father
Thanks so much for stopping by, Jess!
I highly recommend (in case you somehow missed it in my post <laughing>) that you read "Why Gender Matters" as well.
And I'm more than happy to take sleep deprivation and "pregnancy brain" as valid excuses <smile>.
ok maybe I should have told you which book it was...LOL I'll blame it on lack of sleep and pregnancy brain ;-). In defense of food, was what I meant to add in my last comment LOL!
luke, I started reading that book before we left alaska! Thanks for the kind comments on my blog :-).