Some of the books the girls had me read to them inspired me to ask the same question. Of course, I don't have the sweet accent of Gru. I am hoping that someday my Rosetta Stone Russian practice will enable me to at least pretend to have a sweet accent.
Where was I?
Right. Children's literature.
If you've seen Despicable Me--as I did just a few days ago--you may recall that the beauty of the scene where Gru reads isn't the excellence of the writing. Rather, it's the way the simple story speaks directly to him. The books which make up Sonlight's homeschool curriculum are often similarly moving (and, I think, much better from a literary perspective). My dad frequently got emotional while reading one of the Read-Alouds to us before bed. Really great literature is the kind that moves us, even if the language is simple.
What books have you recently read to your children which have impacted you?
~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Empty Nester
P.S. If you're looking to develop a sweet accent, or you have the more mundane goal of learning a foreign language, Rosetta Stone is on sale right now. Like: Crazy-low prices. Get your Rosetta Stone program at a huge discount today!
Catherine, there are a few picture books I still enjoy looking at <smile>.
Some great titles there, Karen. Good stuff!
Thanks, Seashells! May your daughter continue to find joy in learning. And, you're absolutely right: There is so much we can learn along with our children <smile>. Thanks for reading and checking out Sonlight.
I appreciate your post and the way you write in such a conversational way. I can relate. I assumed it would be stuffy and too professional too curriculum driven. You know what you make when you assume! *lol* I’m a college graduate and a mom of two precious little girls. I still enjoy the simple things in life. I'm new to homeschool. My daughter is advanced and it is because of her love for learning - not because of some fancy curriculum and multiple events going on in her life. She loves to read and loves to learn. I'm not ashamed to admit, I still learn life lessons from my daughters' books and for me - that's fancy enough. For some adults big terminology makes them feel smarter and above those around them. For me, I like to be able to relate. You've sold me on your relatable program and your blog. I’m looking at your catalog now. Thank you.
I think I blubbered the most over Elizabeth Yates' Mountain Born in Core 1. Eloise Jarvis McGraw's Moccasin Trail in Core 4. Irene Hunt's Across Five Aprils." There have also been a number of books (like And the Word Came With Power and In Search of the Source) that, while no one would hold them as literary gems for the quality of the writing, were still extremely moving, just in the story they told, and the spiritual impact of them.
Before we discovered Sonlight, we did Five In A Row with our daughter (now almost 16 - she was 4 at the time). We still read some of those books, even though they are "picture books" and our youngest is now 13! Grandfather's Journey, The Rag Coat, Lentil, Papa Picolo were all amazing books! And we've read several of the Sonlight readers multiple times because they are so good - Mr. Popper's Penguins, The Westing Game, The 21 Balloons. And there are tons more that there's not enough room to list!!