Commencement - A Beginning

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DSCN2806Last Saturday was a beautiful day for a backyard graduation. The late afternoon sun filtering through the trees made a lovely setting for the girl graduate in her pink cap and gown. (She was the only graduate in her "class" so she got to choose the color.) Her teacher (me)... and her "principal" (her dad)... made a few comments and presented her with her diploma. Then her pastor-grandpa shared some thoughts and offered a blessing. The gathered friends blew bubbles at her as she tossed her cap into the air.

And with that... my homeschooling journey was over.

Sixteen years I've invested in my children's education. Long days of wondering if we were covering everything we should be. Delightful days reading piles of wonderful stories. Challenging days when nothing seemed to go as planned. But oh, it was so worth it!

As my mother and I previewed the PowerPoint presentation that I put together for last Saturday's celebration, she commented, "The years have gone by almost as fast as those slides are changing." I agree with her. How could sixteen years possibly have gone by already?

My emotions the past few days have been bittersweet. In some ways, I wish I could go back and do some things differently. On the other hand, I'm excited to see what the future has in store for my now-adult children. Over the years we have cultivated a lifestyle of learning in our home, so no matter where life may take them, I know the girls will never stop learning.

Isn't that what makes life so rich?

Enjoying the adventure,
~Karla Cook
Lifelong Learner

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