Category Archives: Sarita’s Word

A bi-weekly encouraging message from Sonlight’s President, Sarita Holzmann. Sarita’s Word is featured in The Beam.

How to Cultivate Contentment

When I read Paul's shocking words "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances" (Philippians 4:11), I sometimes wonder … how? What is the secret? Life makes it easy to be discontent. We don't have to work hard to … Continue reading

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Why our children should learn to concentrate

What do you suppose our kids must learn in the age of Facebook, texting and instant information? I think it is how to focus. They need to learn other things as well, of course. But consider some ideas I recently … Continue reading

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Omnipotence and Impotence: The Wonder of the Incarnation

I joined my church congregation recently in singing about the "Darling of Heaven, crucified." Together we proclaimed "Worthy is the Lamb, seated on the throne." Those words struck a new chord as I thought about the Incarnation, when Jesus, eternal … Continue reading

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On Potatoes and Pilgrims - Thanksgiving Reflections

As I remember the roots of Thanksgiving Day, I'm humbled. We base it on the day of thanksgiving the Pilgrims enjoyed. To put their thanksgiving into perspective, remember that they did not come off of an easy year: What am … Continue reading

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When rewards don't work - a new look at motivation

We all know how motivation works. If you want employees (or students) to produce quality work, you reward good things and punish bad things. Right? Well, yes ... sort of.But fascinating research has shown again and again that there is … Continue reading

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Another reason for children to play an instrument

I originally wanted my children to play the piano. It's so useful in worship services and can be played solo. But I couldn't seem to fit the additional teaching into our schedule. Fortunately, we found another avenue for musical expression. … Continue reading

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Why did Nehemiah pray?

I imagine Nehemiah was excited to see Jewish travelers approach. Like most Jews at the time, Nehemiah lived in exile and must have been eager to hear news of home. But the news he heard was not good: Those who … Continue reading

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