Category Archives: Sarita’s Word

A bi-weekly encouraging message from Sonlight’s President, Sarita Holzmann. Sarita’s Word is featured in The Beam.

Seven questions to ask when choosing an extra-curricular activity

When I was a kid, I had a few activities available to me: a Christian version of Girl Scouts, high school track, summer camp … and not much more than that. But today, the possibilities for children can be overwhelming. … Continue reading

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Drowning: Learn the Signs

Note: I said last time that I'd share here about how literature helps us talk with our children about race. But when this important information about drowning came to my attention, I decided to share it now before swimming season … Continue reading


Do homeschoolers need to teach organizational skills?

I asked my staff a question recently, and I'd love to hear what you think, too. Do homeschoolers need to teach organizational skills to their children? Is there something Sonlight can or should do to facilitate this? I've always been … Continue reading


Lesson #3 from the Farm: Avoiding Discouragement

In the last Beam, I talked about how John had just returned, tired but excited, from Virginia. Soon after he got home, it was my turn! My daughter Jonelle, her little girl and I traveled to visit Amy and her … Continue reading


Farming (and Homeschooling) with a Long View

When John got home earlier this month he was slightly sunburned, very tired, and quite excited. He had just spent nearly two weeks with our daughter Amy and her family on their farm in Virginia. While there, John planted 1,000 … Continue reading

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Catalog talk: what you'll see this year

I'm sitting here with a new 2011 catalog in front of me. I suspect I'm a bit biased, but this just may be the most helpful catalog Sonlight has ever produced. I pray it will be. We started this latest … Continue reading

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Reflections from Southeast Asia

Sarita's Word As I read and travel, I become more aware of the differences between nations and cultures. A nation's government and religious heritage have an enormous impact on its culture and history. As we seek to raise up future … Continue reading

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