Affiliates, Badges, Widgets and Other Things

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Over the past couple of days we've been chatting--in the comments here--about getting some cool badges and graphic links for your blogs pointing back to Sonlight.

Well, it turns out that Kristy has had some Sonlight badges available for over a year. Too good to be true? Not at all. Go grab her homemade Sonlight badges now! And if you want to put together your own badges, by all means, do it!

But what if you want an official Sonlight badge? More than that, what if you want to potentially make tons of migs and megs of memories a few coppers? Too good to be true? Almost. But you can sign up and become a Sonlight affiliate and potentially get paid for sharing your Sonlight love. And that's cool!

Now you're probably sitting there thinking, 'Luke, you obviously don't know me, man. I don't want to use no stinkin' pictures on my blog. I'm a text only kind of person. None of them fancy jpegs for me! You don't care about my wants.'

Not true at all! In fact, there is a way to spread the joy of homeschooling with all of your friends through personal heartwarming stories from homeschooling parents from around the world. And it's as easy as pushing a button or selecting copy/paste. Too good to be true? Sort of. You need to have a Blogger blog or know how to add an HTML/Java widget to your blog. Look over on the right there...

Yes, right here ----->

Find the Sonlight Moments Widget. If you're on Blogger, click the button. If not, follow the link to the HTML code and paste that into a widget on your own blog.

Wait, there's more! I know you. You're the kind of person who doesn't have time for blogs now that you've discovered Facebook. And so you don't think this post applies to you.

But you're mistaken. That's right: You can become a Fan of Sonlight with a simple click of your mouse. Too good to be true? Nope. Find out how easy it is to become a Fan of Sonlight.

Want more? I totally missed you? Rather not support Sonlight at all? In fact, you loathe Sonlight to your very core?

Tell me about it. There's a cool option to email me. And the comments section is always open (though I won't guarantee that your comment will stay if you spout bile at me <smile>).

And if you're somehow not yet my friend on Facebook, and you don't object too strongly, please add me. I always love more friends <smile>.

~Luke Holzmann
Filmmaker, Writer, Expectant Father

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Heather, I love reading your blog (as you know <smile>) and I hope you do become and affiliate and make millions! <smile>

It's very nice to have such a strong supporter out there on the blogosphere. May Sonlight continue to be a blessing to you and your family, even if you don't become an affiliate.


Heather the Mama Duk

My husband laughed when I told him I could become a Sonlight affiliate. He's been asking me when y'all are going to pay me for all the advertising I do lol I get a LOT of people asking me stuff about Sonlight due to posts on my blog and through the JustMommies Homeschooling message board (which I co-host). I am quite vocal about my Sonlight love and I know at least five or six people have told me they bought at least something from Sonlight because I've recommended it so strongly.


AllyJo, that is one of the greatest things I've ever read! [smile] Love it! Spread that Sonlight love around [smile].



I love Sonlight so much, I had my tubes untide so we could have more kids just so I could reteach your curriculum. For real! I'm not kidding.

I started feeling sad my kids were growing up and I wouldn't have any more to homeschool, sharing and teaching all the wonderful books, snuggled up on the sofa for hours. The world needs more Sonlight homes...I wish I had been raised on Sonlight in the arms of a loving parent, gleaning from the best books in the world.

God hasn't blessed us with any more (yet) and I'm getting older, sadly, so maybe His plan is to let me teach my dozen grandchildren, my kids have promised to give me. :) LOL



I got a note from our General Manager today and he said he wanted to talk this over with me before we made an official response. It turns out that there may be some legal issues in all of this.

But, for now, I say: Proceed! <smile> I'll drop you a line if anything needs to change.


Jana, Mom to Mr. Q and Miss E + 7

Yipeeeeeeeeee, I was scared that my use of the P 3/4 phote might get me fussed at. Now I actually get to use and make my own Sonlight things !!! Awesome.

Running out to by some more editing software ;-)