Oh the places you'll go (2nd installment)

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Hawaii SunsetA few months back I blogged about our trip to Alaska and the stunning, majestic scenery we encountered there. This last month we were blessed with the opportunity to visit Hawaii. Alaska presented us with stark, glacial, mountainous views, but Hawaii surprised us with lush, green, tropical landscapes. While Alaska was a trip for work, Hawaii was all about vacation and relaxation. And as unrealistic as resort life is, it was nice to disconnect from the stresses and demands of life for a few days of sleeping late, eating amazing food, and sunset walks on the beach with my sweetheart.

King ProteaEven though I'm officially "retired" from homeschooling our children, I couldn't help getting excited over all the new things we saw and learned. From the history and culture of Hawaii to some of the most unique, exquisite flowers I've ever encountered, all I could think was how much fun it would be to explore the Ali'i Kula Lavender Farm with my kids. Or to experience a traditional luau with my grandson. Homeschoolers never lose that drive and desire to learn!

Whether you travel to Alaska or Hawaii, or visit some exotic international location, or Bird of Paradiseexplore your own back yard ... I hope you never lose the awe and wonder of discovering new and exciting things. Explore what your local area has to offer, or save up your dimes and quarters and plan a trip to somewhere you've never visited before. Just never lose your passion for learning. It is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your children and grandchildren!

“As for me, I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.” (Herman Melville)

Still on the journey ...
~Judy Wnuk

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