Tag Archives: memorization

Literature-Based Learning - of Dates and Dynasties

I have rather unpleasant memories of my junior high and high school history classes ... spending late nights memorizing dates and names and events for the next day's test. And promptly forgetting it all just as soon as the test … Continue reading

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Brute Memorization

Education blogger Catherine Johnson recently asked How much rote memorization do students do? Not very much. Not much at all. Her argument, if I'm following it, is that we need more "brute" memorization than the none we push today. [By … Continue reading

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Math Facts Forwards and Backwards

"Let me do the multiplication part," she says. "I love multiplication!" We're currently learning about fractions and decimals and percents. Becky has auditory processing delays so she can't remember all the steps or formulas involved in solving the problems. Every … Continue reading

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What Do You Work Hard to Memorize?

Growing up in a Jewish home, he memorized everything he needed to for his Bar Mitzvah. It's something you pick up when you're exposed to it week after week after week. Similarly, he never sat down to memorize Scripture. He … Continue reading

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